
Collection of angry news, found 251 news.

Certain party demands Novanto be not punished

A certain party has asked for the MKD to not punish House Speaker Setya Novanto over PT Freeport shares issue, the ...

Recording of Novanto`s conversation submitted to ethics council

The office of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources has submitted evidence to the parliaments ethics committee ...

VEEP Kalla to wait for parliament before acting on use of his name

Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla (JK) said he would wait for the process in parliament (DPR), before taking steps over ...

Cendrawasih Bay National Park center preserves six turtle species

The Cendrawasih Bay National Park (TNTC) Center continues to preserve six species of endangered sea turtles living in ...

Angry Chinese families seek answers about missing Malaysian plane

Angry relatives of Chinese passengers aboard a Malaysia Airlines plane missing for more than a year clashed with ...

Tolikara incident to be settled by traditional wisdom

Religious leaders in the Papua province have agreed to settle the recent incident in Tolikara district by traditional ...

President Jokowi unhappy with long dwelling time at ports

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo is incensed with Indonesian ports that have longer dwelling time than ports in ...

How Does Alice Take Her Adventure in Wuzhen?

- Floating down the canal in the ancient water town Wuzhen, children and adults will be taken on a journey to ...

Jakarta governor threatens to fireW. Jakarta mayor during meeting

Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, alias Ahok, threatened to fire the West Jakarta mayor if he refused not speak ...

An Evening with Morrissey: Exclusive to Vivid LIVE During Vivid Sydney

Morrissey to perform exclusively for Australian audiences during Vivid Sydney as part of Vivid LIVE at Sydney ...

Indonesia, Malaysia to foster closer ties

- Indonesian President Joko Widodo left Kuala Lumpur for Brunei Darussalam on Saturday, after a two-day state visit to ...

Joggers warned to beware of angry owl in Oregon

Oregon officials are warning early morning joggers and park visitors in the state capital Salem to watch out for an ...

Four dead in Niger as Charlie Hebdo cartoon sparks protests

The decision by Charlie Hebdo to publish a cartoon of the prophet Muhammad this week prompted angry protests in ...

Rupert Murdoch stirs tweetstorm with muslim comments

Media tycoon Rupert Murdoch sought to backtrack Wednesday from a Twitter storm stemming from comments about Muslims ...

Iran condemns French weekly attack but criticises cartoons

Iran condemned the killing of 12 people at a French satirical magazine on Wednesday but reiterated its criticism of ...