
Collection of awaiting news, found 1.083 news.

Armed Papuan rebels who killed workers should be crushed: Politician

The Indonesian security personnel should crush the armed Papuan rebels who had brutally killed 31 construction workers ...

Welfare of honorary teachers in Indonesia still uncertain

Various stories on the lives of teachers have been surfacing in the last few days. Few of them are heartbreaking ...

Artists enliven walk for health event with Jokowi-Ma'ruf pair

Several artists took part to enliven a walk for health event along with the presidential candidate pair Joko Widodo ...

Jakarta property market awaiting recovery momentum: Consultant

Property consultant Colliers International said the property market in Jakarta was awaiting recovery after the ...

BI forecasts 2019 growth to remain same as this year

Bank Indonesia (BI) has forecast that the national economy next year will grow almost the same as its forecast of 5.1 ...

Awaiting ASEAN`s concrete steps to develop e-commerce

Indonesian Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita and his counterparts from nine other ASEAN member countries have signed ...

Government to set aside special allocation funds for national museums

The government will set aside Special Allocation Funds (DAK) for several national museums in the ...

Central Sulawesi evacuees` permanent resettlement to be completed in 2020

The government is targeting to ready permanent resettlements for evacuees of the recent earthquake, tsunami, and ...

Survivor pulled from capsized Tanzanian ferry as death toll reaches 218

Divers rescued a man from the wreck of an overcrowded Tanzanian ferry on Saturday, two days after it capsized on Lake ...

Survivor pulled from capsized Tanzanian ferry as death toll reaches 207

Divers on Saturday rescued a man from the wreck of an overcrowded Tanzanian ferry that capsized on Lake Victoria on ...

Solo`s Adi Sumarmo to be developed into environmentally friendly airport

The Airport Council International (ACI) has selected Adi Sumarmo Airport in Solo, Central Java, as one of the pilot ...

News Focus - Awaiting Yogyakarta`s concrete initiatives for women

Yogyakarta has become a spotlight of women in different parts of the world because it hosts the 35th International ...

Minister ensures smooth supply of post-quake basic necessities

Social Affairs Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita has made assurance that the supply of basic necessities for ...

Flight cost burden grows heavier due to weakening of rupiah

The burden of costs in the aviation sector grew heavier due to the weakening of the rupiah, which fell to Rp14,930 per ...

Indonesia awaits Malaysia`s decision on deportation of illegal workers

The Indonesian Government awaits Malaysia`s decision on deportation of its illegal migrant workers from the ...