
Collection of betawi news, found 104 news.

Weekend Stories

Haji Darip from Klender, a forgotten warlord

November 10 became one of the historic days for Indonesians since Heroes' Day is celebrated and constantly reminds ...

Discovering Jakarta

Looking closely at Chinese community in Jakarta

The Chinese people have a long history of migrating overseas, with approximately 50 million ethnic Chinese living ...

Discovering Jakarta

Taste of heritage: culinary adventure in Jakarta's Old Town

With an abundance of historical sites scattered in every nook and cranny, Jakarta’s Old Town, popularly known as ...

Discovering Jakarta

Exploring the past through Kota Tua Jakarta museums

A Hermes statue welcomes everyone to the courtyard situated in the middle of a neoclassical structure of the Jakarta ...

Jakarnaval 2019 portrays local and foreign culture, arts

Jakarnaval 2019, a traditional arts and culture parade to celebrate the capital city's anniversary, repeated the ...

Foreign embassies to join Jakarnaval 2019

A number of foreign embassies in Indonesia will join the Jakarnaval 2019 parade with the theme “The New Face of ...

Int'l music festival to add spark to Jakarta's anniversary celebration

An international music festival will liven up celebrations to mark Jakarta's 492nd anniversary at Banteng Square in ...

Jakarta residents given opportunity to hold events in Betawi Village

The Betawi Cultural Village (UPK) Management Unit of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Office of Tourism and Culture will ...

News Feature

Exploring Jakarta's Kota Tua tourist attraction during Eid holidays

Several protocol roads in the capital city of Jakarta remained silent from the sounds of motorized vehicles on the ...

Indonesian cuisine reigns supreme at Eid celebrations in Netherlands

As many as two thousand people attended the event of halal bihalal, or get-together to celebrate post-fasting ...

Some tourist destinations open on second day of Eid in Jakarta

A number of tourist destinations in Jakarta will be open on the second day of Eid Al-Fitr to provide alternative ...

Jokowi attends opening of International Handicraft Trade Fair

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) attended a ceremony to mark the official opening of the 2019 International ...

Jokowi receives leaders of Betawi Rempug Forum (FBR)

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) received leaders of Betawi Rempug Forum (FBR) at Bogor Palace, West Java, on ...

Indonesian designer creations enliven reception in Istanbul

A fashion show featuring creations of Indonesian designer Ghea Panggabean enlivened the diplomatic reception held by ...

Declaration on peaceful campaign must be expanded: Police chief

National Police Chief General Tito Karnavian highlighted the need to expand the peaceful campaign declaration to ...