#boarding school

Collection of boarding school news, found 594 news.

Bandung court sentences rapist Wirawan to life in prison

The Bandung District Court found serial rapist Herry Wirawan guilty of raping his 13 female students while he was ...

Islamic boarding schools' potential to play strategic economic role

Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) hold potential to play a strategic economic role for the community, State-Owned ...

DMI asks pesantren to groom students to be intellectuals

Deputy Chief of the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) Syafruddin has asked Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) in ...

West Java pesantren must achieve self-sufficiency: Governor

West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil has asked the province's Muslim empowerment organization, the Pesantren and Ummah ...

COVID-19 task force in Sleman relocates patients to isolation center

Sleman District's COVID-19 Task Force in Yogyakarta relocated dozens of COVID-19 patients, earlier self-isolating ...

Reveal names of boarding schools affiliated with terror groups: MUI

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has asked the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) to disclose the names of ...

Assessing the need to sentence sexual violence perpetrators to death

The state prosecutor has demanded Herry Wirawan, a serial rapist, who abused his authority as headmaster of an Islamic ...

Ministry urges parents of sexual violence victims to file cases

Deputy for Child Protection at the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPPA) Nahar has ...

Rejecting death penalty not meant to protect rapist: rights body

The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) said its rejection of death penalty against Herry Wirawan, an ...

House Speaker lauds Islamic schools' support for sexual violence bill

House of Representatives (DPR RI) Speaker Puan Maharani praised and expressed gratitude to hundreds of Islamic boarding ...

Death sentence for rapist reaffirms commitment to child rights

The West Java prosecutor's decision for a death sentence for Herry Wirawan, who raped 13 female pupils in Bandung, ...

Official lauds death penalty sentence for rapist of 13 students

A House of Representatives' official lauded the prosecutor's decision to sentence to death Herry Wirawan for ...

Prosecutors demand death sentence for Herry Wirawan

Prosecutors from the West Java Prosecutors Office demanded that Herry Wirawan, 36, be sentenced to death for the ...

Rights body urges government to ratify sexual violence bill

The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) has urged the government to ratify the sexual violence bill (RUU ...

Kompolnas encourages Polri to establish DNA database

The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) has encouraged the National Police (Polri) to establish a central database ...