#boarding school

Collection of boarding school news, found 593 news.

Jokowi to send critics to monitor condition in Asmat

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has expressed his wish to send students to monitor the condition in Asmat, in the ...

Improving performance of Indonesian soccer in 2017

The All Indonesia Football Association (PSSI) has been striving to improve the performance of players through various ...

Islamic leader calls for strengthening moderate Islam for peace

An Indonesian Islamic leader has called for continued efforts to strengthen moderate Islam in the country to assure ...

Indonesia has capacity to mediate conflict in Afghanistan: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is convinced that Indonesia has adequate capacity to mediate the conflict in ...

Indonesian students win robot contest in Japan

Four Muslim students studying at the Islamic boarding school Mambaus Sholihin, Blitar District, East Java, won a robot ...

President calls for social media education in Islamic boarding schools

President Joko Widodo has called on the Islamic boarding school to educate the students about social media utilization ...

President Jokowi to visit three areas in one day

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was scheduled to visit Semarang, Garut, and Bandung on Tuesday for a number of event ...

Indonesia seeks to resolve Rohingya conflict

Indonesia is committed to resolving the Rohingya conflict by sending Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi to Myanmar ...

Solving Rohingya problem through practice of humanitarian values: MPR

Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Zulkifli Hasan has urged the international community to help ...

President calls on people to use social media wisely

President Joko Widodo has called on the public to use social media wisely, and refrain from spreading hatred and ...

Pencak silat reflects nation`s character: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) believes that Pencak Silat is part of Indonesias national cultural heritage and one of ...

Plan to use hajj fund for infrastructure development

The Religious Affairs Ministry has, so far, managed funds deposited or invested in sukuk by would-be Hajj pilgrims, ...

President calls for diversification in vocational schools

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called for diversification in Vocational Schools (SMKs), which is adjusted to the ...

State apparatus minister to continue working despite call to resign

Indonesias State Apparatus and Bureaucracy Reform Minister Asman Abnur said he would continue to work professionally ...

Indonesia strongly condemns Israeli aggression at Al Aqsa

In Indonesia, from the president to its the people, many have strongly condemned the violence and blatant aggression ...