Four women were found shot dead Monday afternoon in an apartment in Tulsa city in the US state of Oklahoma, US media ...
Tens of children are now receiving intensive treatment at Bob Bazar hospital in Kalianda, South Lampung for suffering ...
The death of a girl hit by celebratory gunfire on New Year`s Eve sparked calls Thursday for stricter gun controls in ...
A total of 459 people were killed in road accidents across the country during the `Operation Candle` conducted to ...
Singapore police on Tuesday arrested a 13-year-old Indian boy for posting a Facebook message in which he allegedly ...
Gilang Embang Pratama, an Indonesian who has been touring the world on his bicycle, has been stranded in Russia after ...
Shipwreck epic "Life of Pi" is on its way to become Oscar-winning director Ang Lee`s highest-grossing film ever, ...
Dengue fever will continue to loom large next year, so all Indonesians should be prepared to deal with an ...
Police have arrested five suspects following a riot when mobs attacked and set on fire a police station in Wamena, ...
Tens of thousands of people packed New Zealand's capital city, clambering on roofs and hanging onto lamp posts on ...
The 46-year-old Palestinian doctor Majdi Na`eim was on duty in the emergency room at Shiffa Hospital in Gaza city when ...
- Barneys New York, the luxury specialty retailer, and The Walt Disney Company, the world's leading entertainment ...
The Central Sulawesi district of Poso remains volatile, adding to the potential that terrorist acts might occur in the ...
Police confirmed that the body of a terrorist suspect killed during a firefight with police Densus 88 anti-terrorist ...
Roki Aprisdianto (29), a convicted terrorist held at the Jakarta Metropolitan Police detention centre, has escaped ...