A homemade bomb exploded in a traffic police checkpoint in the Central Sulawesi provincial town of Poso on Monday ...
Actress Megan Fox said on Wednesday that she had given birth to a baby boy, her first child, with husband Brian Austin ...
After watching two of his brothers die during four decades of fighting in the southern Philippines, Muslim rebel ...
Police have formally detained nine Al-Qaeda Indonesia members for their alleged involvement in terrorist activities ...
The police anti-terrorist squad, Densus 88, arrested a suspected terrorist in Melawi district, West Kalimantan, on ...
Police are still intensively examining suspected terrorist M Toriq in an effort to develop his case. "Right now ...
Central Java Governor Bibit Waluyo has called on the residents of Solo to keep calm despite a series of terror attacks ...
A total of 908 fatalities from road accidents have been recorded across the country during the traffic Ketupat ...
Latest data from the Indonesian police has revealed that the number of deaths resulting from accidents that took place ...
An earthquake measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale jolted southern part of Bengkulu at 10.09 on Tuesday morning, ...
The post-fasting Id-ul Fitr holidays are special days that see millions of people traveling to their hometowns, ...
A total of 88 people have died due to traffic accidents several days before the fall of the post fasting Idul Fitr ...
Three middle and high ranking police officers and a civilian have been arrested on charge of corruption, a police ...
Anti-terror police unit special detachment (Densus 88) arrested Naim, alias Primus, and Qhoribul Mujib, alias Mujib, ...
Donald J. Sobol, best known for his popular "Encyclopedia Brown" detective series of children`s books, has ...