#budget allocation

Collection of budget allocation news, found 409 news.

Anti-graft body investigates 10 suspicious transactions

The Corruption Eradication Commission is examining 10 reports on suspicious transactions (LHA) filed by the Financial ...

Hambalang sports complex becomes `field` of legal battle

After almost a decade, the Rp2.5 trillion Hambalang athlete training center project in Bogor, West Java, seems to be ...

Ministry of transportation to build floating docks for tourists

The Ministry of Transportation has planned to build three floating docks under an initiative called "Tiga Gili" (three ...

Indonesia parliamentarian concerned over low budget for national library

Ahmad Zainuddin of the House Commission X, was very concerned over the low budget allocation towards the national ...

Agriculture ministry expected to receive budget allocations of rp19 tln

The Agriculture Ministry is expected to receive budget allocations of Rp19.3 trillion next year according to the draft ...

Food security needs serious attention

The Indonesian government needs to pay serious attention to domestic food security amid the soaring global food ...

Gerindra rejects govt`s fuel oil price hike plan

The Greater Indonesia Movement (Gerindra) Party faction in parliament rejects the government`s plan to raise the fuel ...

Kampung Ambon drug problem needs comprehensive measures

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) said comprehensive measures are needed to deal with illicit drug trafficking at ...

BNN receives Rp970 bln to fight illegal drugs

The National Narcotics Board (BNN) has received a budget allocation amounting to Rp970 billion from the government in ...

Rosa reports fee-seeking minister to KPK

Mindo Rosalina Manulang alias Rosa, a key witness in the SEA Games athletes` village corruption case, on Thursday ...

Govt allocates rp26 bln for W Nusa Tengara`s food security

The government has allocated Rp26.852 billion in funds to finance a food security program in West Nusa Tenggara ...

Govt to evaluate early budget absorption

The government has been carrying out budget absorption evaluation since the beginning of the year and is reminding ...

RI govt ready to reform budget

The government will carry out reforms in its budgeting and planning system orm in the implementation of its national ...

news focus: govt to step up socio-economic approach toward Papua

Poverty and perceived injustices are believed to be among the problems triggering violence from time to time in ...

Small farmers should be basis of food development

Smallholder`s agriculture and food estates must be synchronized with development of the country`s food resilience so ...