#budget allocation

Collection of budget allocation news, found 409 news.

House approves electricity subsidy of Rp45 trillion for 2012

The House of Representatives (DPR) has approved the government-proposed budget allocations of Rp45 trillion for ...

W Sulawesi governor promises to build cacao fertilizer plant

West Sulawesi Governor Anwar Adnan Saleh (AAS) promised the farmers in his area to build a cacao fertilizer plant not ...

Infrastructures need more funds for economic expansion

Despite President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono`s efforts over the past two years to increase the state budget allocation ...

Govt to allocate Rp99 tln for main armament systems

The government will allocate Rp99 trillion for the maintenance and purchase of main armament systems until 2014, ...

W Sumatra`s forests suitable for kyoto protocol projects : observer

West Sumatra`s forests have the potential of being ideal hosts for climate change projects under the Kyoto Protocol, ...

Mamuju district to increase national cocoa production

Having an extensive area of cocoa plantations, Mamuju district in West Sulawesi has the capability to improve national ...

Ministry to use budget allocation to increase rice production

Agriculture Minister Siswono said he would use the 2012 budget allocation totaling Rp17.8 trillion for his ministry ...

President promises increased infrastructure spending

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has promised to increase expenditure budget on infrastructure projects as one of ...

President`s Yudhoyono address reflects eco-social market economy policies

Marine Affairs and Fisheries Minister Fadel Muhammad said the state address delivered by President Susilo Bambang ...

Nazaruddin`s repatriation must be done transparently

The repatriation and escorting of Muhammad Nazaruddin from Colombia to Indonesia must be carried out openly to ...

TNI gets extra budget allocation of Rp2.4 trillion

The National Defense Forces (TNI) will get an additional budget allocation of Rp2.4 trillion under the revised 2011 ...

W Sulawesi to build cacao fertilizer plant

The West Sulawesi provincial administration will build a cacao fertilizer processing plant in 2012. West ...

Trans Sulawesi bridge costs rp7 billion to repair

The Trans Sulawesi bridge in Tikke Raya sub-district, North Mamuju regency, West Sulawesi province, will cost Rp7 ...

RI's 2012 economic growth projected highest in ASEAN

Indonesia`s economic growth in 2012 is predicted to be higher than those of other ASEAN countries, Finance Minister ...

Four ministers fail to attend Entikong meeting

Four of the five ministers who had earlier been scheduled to attend a coordination meeting on development of border ...