#cipto mangunkusumo hospital

Collection of cipto mangunkusumo hospital news, found 105 news.

COVID-19 increases risk of death in comorbid children: Study

COVID-19 infection increases the risk of death in children who have comorbidities, according to a study conducted by ...

Nutritionist cautions of muscular weakness arising from overhydration

A medical nutritionist at the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) Jakarta, Dr Diana Sunardi, forewarned of ...

Children's picky eating habits linked to maternal gestational choices

Consumption habits of mothers during pregnancy and breastfeeding are linked to eating difficulties or picky eating ...

Pandemic-induced stress raises risk for GERD: Research

Stress factors, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, can cause gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a disease ...

Weekend Stories

Coronavirus taking a mental toll on medical workers

The United Nations (UN) has recently warned the coronavirus pandemic could cause a global mental health crisis. A ...

News focus - Released Ba`asyir to be examined for leg swelling in Jakarta By Eliswan Azly

After being released a few days ago, Abu Bakar Ba`asyir will undergo examination for swelling in his legs at the ...

Russia donates medical equipment to Persahabtan hospital

The government of the Russian Federation has donated one electrocardiogram (ECG) unit and two blood pressure devices ...

Gov`t elements work together to identify lion air victims : Minister

Health Minister Nila Moeloek said all elements of the government were combined, working together to identify victims ...

Bali to have modern cancer hospital

The Bali provincial government will have a modern hospital to offer cancer treatment services that will serve as a ...

Indonesian govt not caught off guard: Chief Security Minister

Indonesias Chief Security Minister Luhut Panjaitan reiterated here on Friday that the government was not caught off ...

Death toll from train-minibus collision rises to 17

The death toll from a train-minibus collision at the Angke railroad crossing in West Jakarta on Sunday rose to 17 ...

Kalla returns to duty after day`s leave

Vice President Jusuf Kalla returned back to work on Friday after taking a days off to rest on Thursday on the advice ...

Bio Farma Rolls Out Pentavalent Vaccine to All Provinces of Indonesia in 2014

The Indonesian Ministry of Health introduced Bio Farma's Pentavalent vaccine into the immunization program in 2013, ...

Four dead as bridge collapses in Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta

Four construction workers died after being trapped under the collapsed connection bridge of Taman Ismail Marzukis ...

Police to deploy 800 personnel to secure Jakarta Marathon 2014

Jakartas Metro Jaya Police Department will deploy eight hundred personnel to secure the 2014 Jakarta Marathon to be ...