#culture of indonesia

Collection of culture of indonesia news, found 83 news.

Pencak Silat World Championship begins officially

Pencak Silat traditional martial art fighters from 42 countries attended the opening of the 17th Pencak Silat World ...

Indonesia promotes kolintang, wants it in world heritage list

Indonesia is promoting kolintang, a musical instrument made of wood from Minahasa, North Sulawesi, so that it is ...

Indonesian consulate in Sydney facilitates Australian students to learn Bahasa

Twenty-two grade 10 students and two of their teachers in the Indonesian program at St. John the Evangelist High ...

Enjoying Indonesia’s cultural diversity in Setia Darma House of Masks and Puppets

Bali, Indonesia (Antara) — As part of the series of activities of World Culture Forum 2016 (WCF), The cultural ...

World Culture Forum 2016: Culture for an Inclusive Sustainable Planet

-World Culture Forum (WCF) will be held again, entering the second time since the inaugural last held in 2013. This ...

Indonesia, Italy agree to improve trade value

Indonesia and Italy will increase the value of trade as agreed at a bilateral meeting between President Joko Widodo ...

Indonesia promotes martabak in Namibia

The Indonesian Embassy of Namibia is promoting Indonesian cuisines, such as martabak (stuffed pancake or pan-fried ...

Baliem Valley Festival showcases Papua`s tribal culture

Warriors of the Dani, Lani, and Yali tribes in Baliem Valley, Jayawijaya, Papua, usually engage in a mock war to ...

Indonesia plans to implement certification to prevent fish laundering

Indonesia will implement a certification system to prevent fish laundering, Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources ...

Artists from four nations participating in Indonesian Umbrella Festival 2015

Four countries are participating in the Indonesian Umbrella Festival (FPI) 2015, which is being held in Solo, Central ...

Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture to visit India to expand cooperation

H. E. Dr. Anies Baswedan, Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia intends to visit India on his ...

Young scientists from 31 countries attend ISPRO 2015

Young scientists from 31 countries are participating in the International Science Project Olympiad (ISPRO) 2015, which ...

Indonesia to be honorary guest of book fair in Frankfurt

Indonesia will be the guest of honor at the Frankfurt Book Fair on October 14-18, 2015, in Germany after Finland, ...

Indonesian artifacts displayed in vatican ethnology museum

Around 1,235 types of Indonesian artifacts, which are kept at the Vatican Ethnology Museum will be exhibited from ...

Japanese Cuisine in Indonesia Focuses on Taste, Menus Food Safety

Japanese companies are more active in promoting their native foods in the Indonesian market due to increasing interest ...