
Collection of dance news, found 784 news.

Tafisa fails to break world record of Zumba participants

The 6th Association for International Sport for All (Tafisa) Games 2016 failed to break the world record for the ...

International Youth Forum 2016: Build a better world through the cultural perspective

- Directorate General of Culture, the Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia, Hilmar Farid, ...

Vice president opens Tafisa Games 2016 in Ancol

Vice President Muhammad Jusuf Kalla on Saturday night officially opened the 6th Association for International Sport ...

Nusantara Batik Week expected to see sales of Rp6 billion

The ongoing Nusantara Batik Week is expected to record sales of Rp6 billion, a local official said. The target ...

The Best of Raja Ampat To Be Revealed

Raja Ampat is a crown jewel, thanks to its crystal clear turquoise sea waters and several isles covered by a thick ...

Seven countries to participate in Jember Open Marching Competition

Seven countries and 15 districts/cities in Indonesia will participate in the international Jember Open Marching ...

PON 2016 - Host West Java remains atop medal standings

Host West Java left its close rivals far behind in the medal standings on the second day of the 19th National Sports ...

Preserving biodiversity for a prosperous Papua

The Agirway dancers of Papua performed the exquisite Ballads of Cendrawasih (Birds of Paradise) dance, marking the ...

Nine countries will participate in Solo intl art

At least three hundred members of cultural delegations from nine countries will be participating in the eighth Solo ...

Rediscover the origins of the Mid-Autumn Festival at Chinatown, Singapore

An annual affair not to be missed, the Chinatown Mid-Autumn Festival returns this year with a retelling of the most ...

Independence Day Carnival highlights Lake Toba charm

Cheers and joy were in the air as hundreds of decorated vehicles carrying beautiful ladies and gentlemen wrapped in ...

Indonesia-Malaysia ties on right track: Ambassador Prayitno

Relations between Indonesia and Malaysia have been on the right track and will continue to strengthen in the future, ...

Indian dancer enliven Baliem Valley Festival

The Baliem Valley Cultural Festival in Jayawijaya district area of Walesi in Papua on August 8-10, 2016, is also ...

Papua`s cultural diversity praiseworthy

The Baliem Valley Cultural Festival being held on August 8-10, 2016, in the Jayawijaya district area of Walesi had ...

Maintaining world heritage cities` network

As a member of the Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC), the city of Denpasar on the Indonesian island resort ...