
Collection of dayak news, found 86 news.

Dayak long-ear tradition exhibited in Netherlands

Dayak woman with traditionally elongated earlobes, Yeq Lawing, became a center of attention at the "Long Ears ...

Lake Batur in Bali among polluted lakes targeted for cleanup: Ministry

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry is seeking to control water pollution in Lake Batur, Bangli district, Bali, as ...

World Water Forum 2024

Indonesia pushes to link global water, climate security efforts

Indonesia will pioneer the establishment of an integrated center of excellence (CoE) on water and climate resilience to ...

Mount Hapuk, the water source of Dayak Meratus people

As dawn breaks, the sun appears on the horizon, spreading its light and signaling the start of the day to a humble ...

OIKN to hold 6-month expo to showcase Nusantara culture

The Nusantara Capital City Authority (OIKN) will hold the Nusantara Expo to highlight local culture. The expo will ...

New capital Nusantara to preserve local wisdom, culture: OIKN

The government is developing the new capital city, Nusantara, in East Kalimantan by ensuring the preservation of local ...

Nusantara development spends 5.8 pct budget for this year: Minister

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati revealed on Monday that budget realization for the development of the new ...

Paser traditional community urged to unite in support of Nusantara

East Kalimantan's North Penajam Paser district's Paser Customary Institution (LAP) has urged the traditional ...

Dayak council backs Indonesia's new capital Nusantara development

The National Dayak Traditional Council (MADN) has expressed their support for the development of Indonesia's new ...

National Data Centres, IKN development signify govt's commitment

The development of National Data Centres (PDNs) and the new capital Nusantara City (IKN) highlighted the ...

"Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" manifested in West Kutai: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo lauded the people of West Kuta District, East Kalimantan Province, for their success in ...

ASEAN 2023

ASEAN Connectivity: Connecting countries, infrastructure, and trade

Passing a winding road across a palm oil plantation, with residents' houses at a distance, is a familiar view ...

ASEAN 2023

ASEAN Festival Parade seeks to promote regional culture: official

The ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Festival Parade on Wednesday sought to bring the Indonesian people ...

East Kalimantan continues preparation to host OICCA in July

The East Kalimantan provincial government continues to enhance the province's readiness to host the Organization of ...

Lawang Sakepeng contest expected to motivate youth to preserve culture

The Central Kalimantan government said that it expected the Lawang Sakepeng attraction competition on Friday to ...