
Collection of dialogue news, found 2.416 news.

G20 a momentum to discuss climate issues thoroughly: expert

The G20 forum is the right platform for discussing the climate change issue comprehensively, given its broad and ...

Complete COVID-19 eradication impossible: epidemiologist

Eradicating COVID-19 completely will be impossible since apart from humans, animals can also get infected with the ...

Bank Indonesia boosts bilateral relations with Bank of Korea

Bank Indonesia (BI) and Bank of Korea (BoK) agreed to reinforce bilateral cooperation between the two central banks ...

Widespread support for East Kalimantan capital plan: KSP

The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) appreciates the support of the East Kalimantan people for the development of the ...

Almost half of women-owned MSMEs in debt: minister

Almost half the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) owned by women in Indonesia are facing difficulty in paying ...

W20 theme aligns with Indonesian Women's Congress mission

The "Recover Together, Equally" theme of Woman 20 (W20) Indonesia 2022 aligned with the Indonesian ...

G20 Indonesia

Discrimination, violence impeding women's empowerment: W20

Discrimination and violence are challenges that are hindering women's empowerment and efforts to achieve gender ...

Indonesian government's commitment to sexual violence bill

The Indonesian government's commitment to swiftly complete discussions on the sexual violence bill (RUU TPKS) is ...

Police HQ dispatches team to help investigate Parigi Moutong incident

The National Police Headquarters has deployed a team to assist the Central Sulawesi Police in investigating the death ...

Indonesian, Australian armies agree to enhance cooperation

The Indonesian and Australian armies on Friday agreed to strengthen bilateral cooperation for developing their ...

G20 Presidency must accelerate digital transformation: expert

Indonesia must use its G20 leadership to accelerate digital transformation to bring about a positive impact in the form ...

G20 Indonesia

President Widodo expects B20 to support energy transition acceleration

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has said he expects the Business 20 (B20), as one of G20’s outreach ...

Indonesia, Australia agree to cooperate in livestock, animal products

The Indonesian and Australian ministries of agriculture have agreed to establish comprehensive economic cooperation in ...

G20 Indonesia

G20: Marine Ministry to prioritize ocean health, sustainable fishery

As part of the G20 Environment and Climate Sustainability Working Group (ECSWG) this year, the Marine Affairs and ...

Will push prompt ratification of sexual violence bill: legislator

Coordinator and deputy speaker for people's prosperity of the House of Representatives (DPR), Muhaimin Iskandar, ...