
Collection of diplomacy news, found 1.424 news.

Observer voices concern about developments in Papua

A political observer has voiced concern about social and security developments in Papua saying the government should ...

Police sending three teams to hunt down Nazaruddin

The Indonesian National Police are sending three teams to hunt down international fugitive former Democrat Party (PD) ...

"We must be put trust in neighboring countries"

Vice President Boediono said building mutual confidence with neighboring states is an important key to state ...

US envoy to press two Sudans to talks

A US envoy headed Monday to Sudan and newly independent South Sudan to press the two nations to resolve lingering ...

Gaddafi`s days "numbered"

Embattled Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi`s days in power are "numbered," U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said ...

Delegations from 20 countries discuss cultural cooperation

Delegations from 20 countries in Asia and Europe gathered in Senggigi tourist resort in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, ...

President advised to meet Saudi King

A party leader hoped that President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono would meet Saudi Arabia`s King to discuss the problem ...

President urged to communicate with S`pore PM on corruption suspects

A member of House Commission I on foreign affairs, Hidayat Nur Wahid, said that President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ...

Govt to employ more lawyers for migrant workers` legal defense

The government plans to increase the number of lawyers it can use any time to defend Indonesian migrant workers ...

Govt Under Fire For Failure To Protect Migrant Worker

The government is now under fire from various quarters at home for its failure to protect migrant worker Ruyati binti ...

RI wants to expand economic ties with Japan

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has expressed Indonesia`s wish to enhance cooperation with Japan, especially in the ...

RI`s defense system still constrained by arms provision problems

A member of Commission I of the House of Representatives Fayakhun Andriadi said Indonesia`s defense system is still ...

US Charge D`affaires attends opening of weatherford facility

The US embassy`s Charge d` Affaires, Ted Osius, attended the opening ceremony for Weatherford`s new facility, ...

President instructs foreign ministry to facilitate Nunun`s repatriation

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has instructed the Foreign Affairs Ministry to facilitate the repatriation of Nunun ...

President instructs foreign ministry to facilitate Nunun`s repatriation

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has instructed the Foreign Affairs Ministry to facilitate the repatriation of Nunun ...