
Collection of drivers news, found 1.264 news.

President Yudhoyono wants Nagreg ring road evaluated periodically

In his Ramadhan safari in West Java on Thursday, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono asked all related parties to ...

Lebaran exodus from Jakarta needs better coordination

Preparations for the Lebaran holiday exodus this year are better than that of last year but coordination should be ...

Thousands of truck still stuck in Merak port

Thousands of truck are still stuck in the toll road heading to Merak port waiting to get across to Sumatra island, a ...

Thousands residences launch campaigns against drugs

Thousands of people converged on Arek Lancor Monument in Pamekasan district in Madura island on Sunday to launch a ...

Two foreigners in Sukabumi court on human smuggling charges

Two foreign nationals, namely Abdul Qhidir Basyyir Husain (46) from Kuwait, and Qhaidar Ali (43) from Australia were ...

"Everyone thought it was Islamists": Oslo taxi driver

In the aftermath of the twin attacks that left 93 people dead, Oslo`s Muslim community has told how they felt under ...

RI, Brunei Need MoU On TKIs, Says Ambassador

Indonesian ambassador to Brunei Darussalam Handriyo Kusumo Priyo underlined the need for the immediate signing of the ...

Brunei needs thousands of Indonesian formal migrant workers

Indonesian Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam Handriyo Kusumo Priyo said the neighboring country is in need of thousands ...

Fifty-four accidents in Transjakarta Busway lanes in 2011

A total of 54 accidents took place on the Transjakarta busway lane in the first semester of 2011, in which 11 people ...

RI embassy officials from Brunei exploring W Nusa Tenggara`s labor potentials

Officials of the Indonesian embassy to Brunei Darussalam are scheduled to make a working visit to West Nusa Tenggara ...

Sidomulyo to offer 248,443,000 shares

Publicly-listed PT Sidomulyo Selaras Tbk plans to make an initial public offering of 248,443,000 shares with a face ...

20 dead as bus plunges off cliff in Peru

At least 20 people were killed and 34 injured Tuesday when a speeding inter-provincial bus ran off a cliff in the high ...

First time RI-Saudi high officials discuss TKI problems

Head of the Indonesian Workers Placement and Protection Agency (BNP2TKI) Moh Jumhur Hidayat said the high officials ...

Germany assists RI in forest, climate change program

Germany has committed to assisting the Indonesian government in the Forest and Climate Change program (ForClime). ...

RI, EU sign pact to end illegal timber exports

The European Union and the Indonesian government on Wednesday (May 4) announced a new agreement aimed at stemming the ...