
Collection of exam news, found 128 news.

APASL 2012: Echosens Introduces the New FibroScan(R) 502 Touch

-     CAP(TM) is a parameter for steatosis assessment and quantification.     ...

Stressed Chinese fight back, with pillows

A whirlwind of pillows bearing the names of bosses and teachers filled the air as hundreds of Chinese gathered to blow ...

Chavez headed to Cuba for medical checkup

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said he will travel to Cuba on Sunday to undergo a thorough medical exam after ...

Comprehensive partnership outreach to Islamic boarding school

US Embassy Officer Hilary Dauer attended the final night of a five-day regional gathering of Islamic boarding schools ...

Forest fires cause haze over Rokan Hilir

Forest and plantation fires in Rokan Hilir District, Riau province, have produced haze covering the district over the ...

EASL European Congress March 30 - April 3, 2011, Berlin, Germany: VCTE(TM) Developed by Echosens

    On the occasion of the 46th Congress of the European Association for the Study of the Liver, the ...

Japan rattled over online exam leaks

Japan`s elite universities have had their entrance exams -- the most important hurdle in any Japanese student`s life ...

In new Brazil government, ex-model steals the show

In a new Brazilian government characterized by powerful women, a 27-year-old former beauty pageant contestant is ...