Illegal online loan providers are not a part of the recognized national financial service system, the Investment Alert ...
The Indonesian Ministry of Industry has said it would continue to encourage the development of the local gaming ...
The government is readying a stimulus package to expedite the completion of the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) ...
Ecotourism could become one of the driving forces for Indonesia’s green economy, Deputy Minister of Environmental ...
The Parigi Moutong district administration disclosed on Friday that it will consult with the Central Sulawesi ...
State-owned oil and gas company PT Pertamina (Persero) has projected its imports of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in ...
As a country located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, Indonesia is prone to natural disasters such as volcano eruption, ...
The Indonesian government has outlined five strategies to take maximum advantage of the demographic bonus through ...
Economic activities that exploit natural resources and make the environmental carrying capacity unsustainable must be ...
Historically, the waqf has served an important role in economic empowerment of the Islamic community. This can be ...
Chief of the Regional Representatives Council (DPD) has urged the government to develop a strategy to exploit the ...
Islamic boarding schools, or pesantren, have not only managed to survive in Indonesia since colonial times, but have ...
The future market potential for halal products is huge as the Muslim population is growing, including in Europe and ...
The Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry is planning to exploit the potential of domestic tourism and focus on ...
Vice President Ma'ruf Amin has set the target of making Indonesia the world’s largest halal producer by 2024, ...