#flag raising

Collection of flag raising news, found 90 news.

Indonesia, Australia should tackle separatist flag raising incident carefully: Prof Juwana

Indonesia and Australia should be careful in addressing the incident of trespassing and raising of a separatist flag ...

OPM`s flag raising in Melbourne`s Indonesian Sonsulate is crime: President Jokowi

The raising of the Free Papua Movements (OPMs) flag by an individual at the Consulate General of the Republic of ...

Australia should sentence trespasser in Melbourne`s Indonesian Consulate case: Minister Marsudi

Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno LP Marsudi has stressed that the Australian authority should arrest and ...

Minister discusses dual citizenship issue with expats in Switzerland

Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly discussed the issue of dual citizenship during a meeting with the ...

17,845 national flags to be raised along Indonesia-Malaysia border

The Tanjungpura Military Command plans to raise 17,845 national flags along border of Indonesia (West Kalimantan) and ...

year-ender: Diplomatic Ties of Indonesia, Palestine to Open New Chapter Early 2016

Early 2016 hopefully will be a new chapter for the diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Palestine as Indonesia ...

Palestine Solidarity Day 2015 in Jakarta Runs Lively

Indonesia has again showcased its support for the Palestinian independence where this time through the implementation ...

President to lead Heroes` Day ceremony in Surabaya

East Java governor Soekarwo confirmed here on Friday that President Joko Widodo would lead the Heroes Day ceremony to ...

Indonesia wants Palestine to be independent: President Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has maintaining a consistent stance, noting that Indonesia wants to see Palestine ...

Palestine can take a cue from Indonesia: Senator

Palestine can take a cue from Indonesia that diplomacy cannot be separated from the struggle to achieve freedom, ...

Indonesian Government Urged to Help Stop Israeli Attacks on al-Aqsa

Tensions around Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third Islamic holiest site, have been high since Sunday (Sept. 13) when Israeli ...

Indonesia welcomes Palestinian flag-raising by the UN

The Indonesian government has welcomed the ratification of the United Nations (UN) resolution to raise the Palestinian ...

70th independence day: Garut teenagers to fly giant Indonesian flag

Some teenagers from Garut, West Java, who are members of the Outdoor and Adventure Service (OASE) will fly a giant red ...

Indonesian govt boosts deployment in Poso to hunt terror suspects

Following the central governments directive to crush "Islamic State members" in Indonesia, hundreds of military and ...

Indonesian police to stop Free Papua anniversary activities

Police in Papua have been prepared to disperse any separatist Free Papua Organization (OPM) anniversary commemoration ...