
Collection of formation news, found 1.346 news.

Form COVID-19 task force for large events, event organizers told

Organizing committees must form a COVID-19 task force when organizing large-scale events, government spokesperson for ...

Ministry lauds Tangerang for forming COVID task force in schools

The Education, Culture, Research and Technology Ministry has praised the Tangerang city government, ...

Saving the world's oxygen source from fading away

The Kerinci Seblat National Park, spanning across four provinces in Sumatra and totaling up to 1.3 hectares, now ...

Syiah Kuala University hosts 2021 IMT-GT Varsity Carnival

The Syiah Kuala University (USK) in Banda Aceh is hosting this year's Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand-Growth Triangle ...

Deputy governor urges Indonesian ambassadors to promote Bali tourism

Bali Deputy Governor Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati is optimistic that Indonesian ambassadors, serving ...

Character education for children to ensure quality human resources

Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Bintang Puspayoga underscored the importance of character ...

Sidoarjo police organize COVID-19 vaccinations during Friday prayers

The Sidoarjo Police Force, East Java organized COVID-19 vaccinations at the Sidoarjo Grand Mosque for congregants ...

Incessant rain causes flooding in Central, Eastern Kalimantan: BRIN

Incessant rains triggered by the Kelvin and Rossby confluence and wind circulation anomalies associated with convection ...

News Feature

Two films offer a peek into future of climate change

For science fiction buffs, two Hollywood movies could offer an insight into the latest report of the Intergovernmental ...

Medan government to prioritize pregnant women for vaccinations

The Medan city government, North Sumatra, is seeking to prioritize vaccinations of 8,078 pregnant women in the city, ...

COVID-19 vaccination expedited in four clusters of PON in Papua

The government is expediting the vaccination program in four clusters of the National Games (PON) XX and National Para ...

Need special team for expediting Pertashop partnership program: Thohir

State-Owned Enterprises Minister Erick Thohir has called for the formation of a special team to accelerate the ...

KSP seeks greater involvement of ministries in agrarian reforms

Chief of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP), Moeldoko, has asked all ministries and government institutions to become ...

UN official outlines challenges to preserving economic stability

There are three policy challenges to preserving economic stability, executive secretary of United Nations Economic and ...

House Speaker assures DPR support for govt's COVID-19 handling

The House of Representatives (DPR) is committed to supporting the government's COVID-19 handling policies for ...