#future human resources

Collection of future human resources news, found 9 news.

ASEAN 2023

Youth declare support for the ASEAN Summit's sustainability pillar

Indonesian youths have made a declaration on supporting the sustainability pillar in Indonesia's ASEAN Summit ...

Optimize specific interventions to tackle stunting: Ministry

The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs has asked all stakeholders to optimize specific ...

Committed to producing international standard HR: UI's EB Faculty

The Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Indonesia (FEB UI) has expressed its commitment to educating ...

Merdeka Curriculum can help meet human resources' future needs

The Merdeka (Independent) Curriculum can contribute to meeting the needs of human resources in future when scientific ...

Bawaslu prepares electoral supervision training material

The General Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) is currently drafting an education and training curriculum to ...

Education, social security, and nation's successors

Education is one of the important aspects for forming the character of the future generation that will go on to ...

News Focus

Pesantren emerge as lynchpin of economic empowerment

Islamic boarding schools, or pesantren, have not only managed to survive in Indonesia since colonial times, but have ...

London School Jakarta has a new campus in Bekasi, West Java

The London School of Public Relations (LSPR) Jakarta has inaugurated a new campus in Bekasi City, West Java, which was ...

Efforts to create child friendly world facing many challenges

Women`s Empowerment and Child Protection Minister Linda Amalia Sari Gumelar has said efforts to create a child ...