#global competition

Collection of global competition news, found 204 news.

President orders addition of certified construction workers

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has ordered the issuance of more certificates to construction workers in the ...

Minister urges state-owned enterprices to engage in int`l activities

Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono urged SOEs to get engaged in construction ...

News Focus - Collective homework for preparing Indonesia`s millennial generation

The position of Indonesia`s millennial generation has become more important than ever before not only because their ...

Surabaya`s youngsters well trained to compete at global level: Mayor

Surabaya Mayor Tri Rismaharini said youngsters residing in the city should well be trained to enable them to ...

Improving the quality of human resources

The future of Indonesia depends on human resources of good quality, excellence, and strong competitiveness in the face ...

President calls for improving educational quality to increase competitiveness

President Joko Widodo called for improvement in the quality of education, in order to create qualified human resources ...

Regional development is constitutional mandate, president says

President Joko Widodo said the development of infrastructure projects implemented in a number of isolated region and ...

First Lady Iriana asks smes businessmen to improve creativity

First Lady Hj Iriana Joko Widodo reminded the owners of micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM) to increase their ...

President Jokowi wants local products to dominate business in Rest Areas

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has said that he wants local products to dominate businesses in rest areas along toll ...

millionairemansion.co.uk offer British mansion in the first global competition to win a luxury home

- millionairemansion.co.uk are opening their competition to win a 2.3million pound UK mansion to participants around ...

millionairemansion.co.uk offer British mansion in the first global competition to win a luxury home

- millionairemansion.co.uk are opening their competition to win a 2.3million pound UK mansion to participants around ...

millionairemansion.co.uk offer British mansion in the first global competition to win a luxury home

- millionairemansion.co.uk are opening their competition to win a 2.3million pound UK mansion to participants around ...

Craft industry pillar of people`s economy

The government continues to facilitate the development of the country`s craft industry which serves as the backbone of ...

Foreign countries praise Indonesian muslim fashion: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stated that people from other countries praised the beauty of Muslim fashion created by ...

Developing economy could not be finished in an instant: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said developing economy to improve the people's welfare is not a job that could be ...