#green tourism

Collection of green tourism news, found 44 news.

Uno optimistic of tourism sector driving efforts to achieve SDGs

Indonesia's Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno expressed optimism about tourism becoming one of ...

Maros Pangkep Geopark designated as UNESCO Global Geopark

The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) established Maros Pangkep Geopark as a ...

Students call for environment-friendly hiking

The University of Indonesia's students' community of nature admirers (Mapala UI) has called for an ...

Heritage tourism with local wisdom can benefit people: minister

Heritage tourism can benefit local residents if it is presented with local wisdom, Minister of Tourism and Creative ...

Global green Islamic bond issuance reaches US$5 billion: minister

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati has said that the government has issued green Islamic bonds or green sukuk worth ...

Gov't preparing instructions to drive up electric vehicle use

The government is currently preparing a presidential instruction (inpres) to accelerate the use of electric vehicles, ...

PLN provides electric boat for green tourism at Maros-Pangkep Geopark

North Makassar Regional Customer Service Implementation Unit (UP3) of the state-owned company PT PLN (Persero) provided ...

PLN builds 27 EV charging stations in tourist destinations

State-owned electricity company PT PLN has built 27 public electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, locally known as ...

Pandemic is a chance for economic transformation: President Jokowi

The COVID-19 pandemic must be used as an opportunity to fundamentally transform the economy to create resilience, ...

Indonesia, France bolster green and blue economy cooperation

Indonesian National Development Planning Minister Suharso Monoarfa pressed for deepening cooperation between Indonesia ...

"World Green Design Contribution Award": Lumy House was internationally recognized

-On September 27, 2018 World Green Design Forum Brussels Summit & the 8th World Green Design Contribution Award ...

A high-standard medical device industry competition is held by East China's Xianju to attract talents

-On September 18th, the first press conference of China Xianju's first global medical device innovation competition was ...

Government to encourage tourism in underdeveloped regions

The Indonesian government is trying to encourage tourism in underdeveloped areas as it also has the potential to earn ...

Tourism promotion board to focus on three strategies

The Indonesian Tourism Promotion Board (BPPI) will focus on three main strategies, low season, creative economy, and ...