#hajj and umrah

Collection of hajj and umrah news, found 219 news.

Kertajati Airport to be W Java's Umrah flight hub: Sumadi

The government will proceed with its plan to designate Kertajati West Java International Airport in Majalengka district ...

News Feature

Profound experiences of becoming Hajj guests of King Salman

Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam and a form of worship that capable Muslims must perform. The pillars of Hajj consist ...

Ministry makes meningitis vaccine mandatory for Umrah pilgrims

The Health Ministry issued circular number HK.02.02/A/3717/2024 that outlines meningitis vaccination for Hajj and Umrah ...

Ministry asks DPR to prove corruption allegation over Hajj quota use

The Religious Affairs Ministry asked the House of Representatives' special committee for legislative inquiry into ...

Government to evaluate Hajj implementation despite improvements

Religious Affairs Minister Yaqut Cholil Qoumas confirmed that despite achieving some feats in the implementation ...

Ministry praises rule-abiding Indonesian Hajj pilgrims

The Ministry of Religious Affairs lauded Indonesian Hajj pilgrims who have obeyed the rules, behaved in an orderly ...

Ministry, BSI commit to making Indonesia global halal hub

The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises and state-run Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) have committed to continuing efforts ...

Indonesia garners quota of 221,000 Hajj pilgrims for 2025: Minister

Indonesia has secured a quota of 221 thousand Hajj pilgrims for the 2025 or 1446 Hijri Hajj season, Religious Affairs ...

Indonesia says agents face severe sanctions for Hajj visa violations

The government will impose severe sanctions against travel agents found facilitating Hajj pilgrimages for individuals ...

VP commends Saudi Arabia for consistently improving Hajj services

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin lauded the Saudi Arabian government for its consistency in augmenting its services for ...

Saudi arrests Indonesian influencer for promoting illegal Hajj visa

The Saudi Arabian authority has placed an Indonesian social media influencer in detention for allegedly promoting and ...

Making Hajj elderly friendly

Just like last year, the Ministry of Religious Affairs is promoting elderly-friendly Hajj this pilgrimage ...

Saudi Arabia detains 37 pilgrims from Makassar for visa violation

Saudi Arabian authorities on Saturday (June 1) detained 37 Indonesian pilgrims from Makassar, South Sulawesi, for visa ...

"Hanging around" after night prayers makes Medina feel like Indonesia

At 9 p.m. Saudi Arabian time, the Nabawi Mosque in Medina is packed with pilgrims who flock back to their respective ...

Minister stresses on making detailed preparations for Hajj services

Minister of Religious Affairs Yaqut Cholil Qoumas called on officials at his ministry to pay close attention to details ...