
Collection of harun news, found 158 news.

Jasa Marga to launch right issue to strengthen capital

Publicly traded state-owned toll road developer and operator PT Jasa Marga plans to launch right issue to raise fresh ...

Malaysia repatriates 12 Indonesian detained fishermen

Some 12 Indonesian traditional fishermen from Langkat district, North Sumatra, were repatriated from Penang island, ...

Tuna Rendang Festival to highlight multilateral Navy Exercise Komodo

The Padang municipality will organize a Tuna Rendang Festival to highlight the Multilateral Naval Exercise Komodo ...

KRI Usman Harun-359 warship ready to join IFR 2016 in India

The Indonesian Usman Harun-359 warship is ready to take part in International Fleet Review (IFR) 2016 which will be ...

Two Australian warships move to Java Sea to participate in exercise

Two Royal Australian Navy (RAN) warships, HMAS Arunta 151 and HMAS Sirius 266, departed for Java Sea on Wednesday to ...

Indonesian pilgrims` death toll in Mina stampede rises to 103

Three more bodies of Indonesian Hajj pilgrims killed in the Mina stampede were identified, thereby bringing the death ...

Two Indonesians dead, 31 injured in Mecca crane accident

Two Indonesians have died and 31 others were injured by a falling construction crane at Meccas Grand Mosque, Saudi ...

President awards medals of honor to outstanding citizens

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has bestowed medals of honor on several citizens for their outstanding services to the ...

Andrea Hirata earns honorary doctorate from Warwick University

Renowned Indonesian novelist Aqil Barraq Badruddin Seman Said Harun, better known as Andrea Hirata, earned an honorary ...

Government expected to reject aspiration funds

The House of Representatives (DPR) appears prepared to go ahead with plan to propose an Electoral Region Development ...

Indonesia must reject Chinese maritime silk road offer: Sultan

Sultan Hamengkubuwono X has appealed to President Joko Widodo to reject the Chinese governments offer to link ...

Death convict Mary Jane to be moved to Nusakambangan

Narcotic drug convict on death row Filipino Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso will soon be moved to a prison on Nusakambangan ...

Mary Jane`s legal process will be accelerated: Minister

The legal process of Philippine national Mary Jane will be accelerated, so that the executions of the death row ...

Indonesia AG coordinates with police to prepare firing squad

The Attorney Generals Office (AGO) is coordinating with the National Police to prepare a firing squad and carry out ...

Indonesian immigration authorities to deport Australian journalist

The Indonesian immigration authorities will deport an Australian female journalist for failing to present official ...