
Collection of hasan news, found 1.658 news.

Minister asks Jakarta to put in order minibus operations

Transportation Minister Ignasius Jonan urged Jakarta regional government to put in order the operation license of the ...

RI involves informal negotiators at climate change meet

The Indonesian government is involving several informal negotiators, including diplomats and religious figures, to ...

Freeport ready to testiify on Novanto ethics case

President Director of PT Freeport Indonesia Maroef Sjamsoeddin said he is ready to testify at the Parliament Honorary ...

People advised to eat more fish

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has advised the people to consume more fish instead of other types ...

Fishery Day observed with spirit to eat more fish

The Indonesian people today, November 21, observed the Second Anniversary of their National Fishery Day (Harkannas) ...

Indonesian MPR Chairman mourns for victims of terrorist attacks in Paris

The chairman of the Peoples Consultative Assembly (MPR), Zulkifli Hasan expressed deep sorrow for the victims of the ...

People in Lampung wait for toll road for 20 years

People in the Sumatran province of Lampung have been waiting for the past 20 years for a toll road which is now being ...

People`s Consultative Assembly leader receives Indian vice president

Peoples Consultative Assembly (MPR) leader Zulkifli Hasan received a courtesy visit from Indian Vice President ...

CGAP Announces Winner Of Photo Contest In 10th Year

- CGAP today announced its 2015 Photo Contest winner as Sujan Sarkar of India. The winning photo, called ...

Indian vice president to visit Indonesia in November

Indian Vice President Mohammad Hamid Ansari will pay an official visit to Indonesia on November 1-4 on the invitation ...

President Jokowi leads Pancasila Sanctity Day commemoration

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) acted as the inspector general of a ceremony to commemorate the state ideology ...

Pancasila is final ideology of Indonesian state: Ministry

The Pancasila is the final ideology of the state of Indonesia and is non-negotiable, according to the Ministry of ...

Retirees support president`s decision to not tender apology to PKI

Retired army and police personnel support President Joko Widodos (Jokowis) decision to not offer an apology to former ...

President urges people to uphold Pancasila

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has urged all parties to uphold "Pancasila," or Indonesias five-principle state ...

Mecca accident kills 2, injures 42 Indonesian hajj pilgrims

The collapse of the contraction crane at Mecca's Grand Mosque, Saudi Arabia, on Friday evening killed two Indonesian ...