#health centers

Collection of health centers news, found 893 news.

W Java prepares anticipatory measures against potential COVID-19 surge

The provincial government of West Java has prepared anticipatory measures against any potential surge in COVID-19 cases ...

Surabaya targets administering booster dose to 12,000 elderly people

The Public Health Center and Community Center in Surabaya, East Java, targeted 12 thousand elderly citizens under the ...

Malang Health office readies 50,000 booster shots for residents

The Malang Health Office, East Java, has readied around 50 thousand booster shots for the elderly and vulnerable ...

Yogyakarta to give booster shots to 1.2 million people

The Yogyakarta government is aiming to give booster shots to 1.2 million residents in five districts and ...

Public should check PeduliLindungi for ticket to booster shots

The Cilandak Sub-District Health Center, South Jakarta, reminded local residents to check the PeduliLindungi ...

Booster shot: Eight million Jakartans aged 18 and above targeted

The Jakarta provincial government has announced its target of administering the booster shot to about eight million of ...

Jakarta kicks off COVID-19 booster drive

A COVID-19 booster vaccination drive was launched at the Kramat Jati Community Health Center (Puskesmas) in East ...

200 residents of every subdistrict in W Jakarta get booster shots

The West Jakarta city government has set a target to administer the booster shots to as many as 200 residents in each ...

Jakarta's public health centers commence offering booster shots

Several public health centers in Jakarta have begun providing booster shots to the general public, including the ...

Booster vaccination schedule available on PeduliLindungi: ministry

Citizens who are eligible for the prioritized booster shot or third COVID-19 vaccine dose can check the vaccination ...

Surabaya to boost surveillance amid spread of Omicron

The Surabaya City Health Service in East Java Province has increased surveillance to prevent the spread of the new ...

Year Ender 2021

Preparing Indonesians to be fully digitally literate

The socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted the Indonesian government to expedite the digital ...

Controlling comorbid diseases key to reach endemic phase: task force

Efforts to control comorbid diseases are important for reaching the endemic phase of COVID-19, head of the health ...

Mild side effects likely among COVID-19 vaccine's child recipients

A member of the Immunization Task Force of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI), Dr Mei Neni Sitaresmi, ...

Police bring 'Mickey Mouse' to entertain children during vaccinations

Gunung Kidul Police in  Yogyakarta Province hired a 'Mickey Mouse' to entertain children aged 6 to 11 ...