#health workers

Collection of health workers news, found 1.357 news.

BPJS Kesehatan to bear costs of kidney failure, liver transplant

State-run Healthcare and Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan) confirmed it would bear the treatment cost for ...

Govt finds compounds in drugs that could trigger acute kidney failure

The Health Ministry has detected traces of compounds in samples of drugs consumed by patients in Indonesia that have ...

Gov't currently halts syrup drugs' sales amid kidney failure cases

The government has ordered a temporary halt to the sale of syrup drugs, as investigation into the cases of acute kidney ...

BPOM details guidelines for drug syrup consumption

The Indonesian Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) conveyed guidelines for the public in consuming syrups that were ...

Early detection can prevent acute kidney failure in children: official

The key to preventing mysterious acute kidney failure in children is early detection and consultation with a doctor if ...

PEN realization at 50.3% as of Sep: Minister Hartarto

The realization of the National Economic Recovery (PEN) budget has reached Rp229.17 trillion, or 50.3 percent of the ...

Need further study on acute kidney failure in children: IDAI

Health workers need to conduct further investigation into diagnosing acute kidney failure, which is currently affecting ...

Bengkulu seeks 60,000 additional COVID-19 vaccine doses

The Health Office of Bengkulu province has sought 60 thousand additional doses of the Sinovac and Moderna COVID-19 ...

Impressed with COVID-19 vaccine development: President

President Joko Widodo has said that he is impressed by the pharmaceutical industry, which has pursued the development ...

Pandemic has had major impact on mental health: ministry

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on people’s mental health due to the loss of relatives, jobs, and ...

Ministry facilitates psychological assistance for Kanjuruhan victims

The Health Ministry provides psychological assistance facility to victims of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy in Malang and their ...

Cataract is leading cause of blindness in Indonesia: Health Ministry

An official from the Health Ministry cited the 2014-2015 Rapid Assessment of Avoiding Blindness (RAAB) survey while ...

Ministry promotes breast cancer awareness to prevent late detection

The Health Ministry has continued to promote awareness against and protect Indonesians from breast cancer through four ...

COVID-19 vaccination: Number of 3rd dose recipients reaches 63.92 mln

The number of Indonesians who have received the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine or the booster shot reached 63.92 ...

BNPB deploys health team to help handle Pakistan's flood victims

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) Head Lieutenant General Suharyanto symbolically deployed health workers ...