#hydro power

Collection of hydro power news, found 146 news.

Jokowi`s policy always oriented to small people`s interest : Kristiyanto

Secretary of the Jokowi-Kyai Ma`ruf Amin National Campaign Team, Hasto Kristiyanto, said the decision to cancel the ...

President appreciates LDII concern on renewable energy

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has appreciated the concern of Indonesian Islamic Da`wah (Propagation) Institute (LDII) ...

Indonesia develops 19 "PPP" competitive projects related to SDGs

The Indonesian government has developed a Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme for 19 projects that intersect with ...

Bio bridge initiative feared to be abandoned on PLTA project

The initiative to develop bio bridges for the habitats of Orang utans, Pongo tapanuliensis,in Tapanuli Selatan, North ...

Indonesia committed to develop renewable energy-based power plants: President

The Indonesian government is committed to developing new and renewable energy-based power plants to meet power needs ...

Inalum plans to build hydropower plant in north kalimantan

PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Inalum), which has an aluminum smelter in North Sumatra, said it plans to build a ...

Renewable portion in energy mix increases

The Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has recorded an increase in the portion of new and renewable ...

Over one thousand villages to have electricity

The Secretary of the Directorate General of New Energy, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Wawan Supriatna, ...

Government continues to develop renewable energy-based power plants

The government continues to build power plants in a bid to provide adequate electricity to consumers while avoiding ...

EARTH WIRE -- WWF, Arun to develop geothermal energy in Flores

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Indonesia, along with Indonesias largest liquefied natural gas producer PT Arun NGL, ...

Indonesia, Sweden to jointly develop renewable energy to generate electricity

Indonesia and Sweden have agreed to jointly develop renewable energy to generate electricity. By cooperating ...

Indonesia should cut unnecessary electricity costs

The price of electricity in Indonesia is relatively high due to high investment and production costs, reducing the ...

President says high electricity prices due to unnecessary costs

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) revealed on Tuesday that the price of electricity in Indonesia was higher compared to ...

North Sulawesi to build a giant dam

Expected to be completed in 2019, the Kuwil dam in Kawangkoan, North Minahasa District, will be a giant reservoir in ...

Bright Indonesia program in W. Papua near completion

The rural electrification program of the Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ministry in West Papua is near ...