#iems 2019

Collection of iems 2019 news, found 5 news.

News Focus

Indonesia set to venture into novel era of electric vehicles

Indonesia is buoyant about emerging as a major producer of electric vehicles (EV) owing to quite abundant raw materials ...

DEN urges offices to furnish electric vehicle charging stations

The National Energy Council (DEN) has called on offices to set up charging stations for electric vehicles. Electric ...

Indonesia organizes foremost electrical vehicle exhibition on Sept 4-5

The Agency for Technology Assessment and Application (BPPT) organized Indonesia's premier exhibition on electrical ...

Panjaitan believes it is about time Indonesia produces electric cars

Coordinating Maritime Affairs Minister Luhut Binsar Panjaitan is a strong proponent of the view that the time has come ...

Electric vehicles to gain traction in Indonesia: BPPT

The Agency for Technology Assessment and Application (BPPT) affirmed that electric vehicles will pick up steam in ...