
Collection of importers news, found 337 news.

KPPU expects garlic importers to open up plantations

The Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) expects garlic importers open up a plantation to maintain the ...

President Jokowi raises issues of toxic waste

President Joko Widodo raised the issues of hazardous and toxic waste in the 14th East Asian Summit, held in the IMPACT ...

CPO price will improve in 2020: GAPKI

The Indonesian Palm Oil Association (GAPKI) opined that despite the low prices currently, there will be an improvement ...

KKP records transactions reaching US$10.43 million at TEI 2019

The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry (KKP) clocked transactions of maritime and fishery products reaching ...

Trade Expo Indonesia projected to book 15-percent rise in transactions

The 2019 Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) is expected to book a 15-percent increase in transactions, or US$1.7 billion, from ...

Gas processing innovations spur increased deployments, including role in power generation mix

- LNG technologies, such as floating LNG (FLNG) innovations, driven by its shorter construction lead times and lower ...

Indonesia takes biodiesel issue to WTO

Indonesia has sent a letter to the World Trade Organization (WTO) to challenge the European Union decision to impose ...

Indonesia Festival boosts number of Russian tourists to Indonesia

The Indonesia Festival, the first edition of which was held in Moscow in 2016, has helped increase the number of ...

PDIP has yet to propose names of ministerial candidates to Jokowi

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) has yet to propose and submit names of his future cabinet members to ...

News Focus

Awaiting Jokowi's new cabinet

The new Indonesian cabinet will have members from different political parties and various professional backgrounds, ...

News Focus

Indonesia takes firm stand on saying no to foreign rubbish

Over the past few months, Indonesia has repeatedly shown its objection toward becoming a dumping ground for foreign ...

Batam city government bans use of imported plastic waste

The Batam city government barred imported plastic waste used as raw materials for industries in the coastal city owing ...

Indonesia to re-export illegal plastic waste

Indonesia will re-export illegal plastic waste entering the country, Environment and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya ...

FAO-WHO underscore critical role of food safety in life

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) marked the first-ever World Food Safety ...

Ministry guarantees food supply adequate during Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr

Agriculture Ministry's Agency of Food Security made assurance of food supply sufficing during the 2019 Ramadan and ...