#indonesia and the un

Collection of indonesia and the un news, found 96 news.

Minister seeks people’s support to make Indonesian a global language

Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Minister Nadiem Anwar Makarim has invited the public to support the ...

Indonesia among top contributors to UN peacekeeping missions: police

Indonesia is one of the top contributors to United Nations (UN) peacekeeping missions, according to chief of the ...

Indonesia to increase its contribution to UNRWA by US$1.2 million

Indonesia is committed to increasing regular voluntary contributions amounting to US$1.2 million to the United Nations ...

Indonesia welcomes UNSC resolution on ceasefire in Gaza Strip

The Indonesian government welcomed the adoption of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution on ceasefire ...

Indonesia continues to strive for UN reform agenda: Foreign Ministry

The Foreign Affairs Ministry's spokesperson Lalu Muhamad Iqbal stated that Indonesia incessantly strives ...

Indonesia calls for restraint following Iran's attack on Israel

Indonesia expressed its deep concern over the escalation of the situation in the Middle East and urged Iran and Israel ...

UNSC should act firmly on Israeli attack on aid-awaiting Gazans

Indonesia urged the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to act firmly in response to the deaths of hundreds of ...

Indonesia calls for strengthening commitment on global disarmament

Indonesia, as president of the Conference on Disarmament (CD), highlighted the need to strengthen the commitment to ...

Marsudi to deliver Indonesia's oral statement to ICJ on Feb 23

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi is scheduled to deliver Indonesia's oral statement to support the Palestinian people ...

Indonesia joins UN-led Energy Compacts, commits US$122 billion to SDG7

Indonesia has officially launched its Energy Compact, joining a global community of member states and non-state actors ...

Indonesia supports Palestine through law enforcement at ICJ

Indonesia will continue to take workable measures for supporting Palestine amid the Israeli occupation, including by ...

Marsudi meets UK's Cameron, presses for ending cruelty in Gaza

Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi emphasized the need to end cruelty in Gaza during a meeting with ...

Indonesian recognized as UNESCO General Conference's official language

Indonesian language was designated as the official language of the UNESCO General Conference during the plenary session ...

Beware of foreign intelligence operation at home: minister to military

Indonesia's Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto has urged senior officials and unit commanders of the Indonesian ...

Indonesia seeks to inscribe kolintang on UNESCO's world heritage list

Indonesia is striving to get its traditional musical instrument kolintang recognized by the United Nations Educational, ...