#indonesian military

Collection of indonesian military news, found 1.570 news.

Operation Madago Raya ongoing to hunt Poso's MIT terror group

Indonesian Police Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo made assurance of the Mandago Raya military-police joint task force ...

Police arrest 49 for illegal fees in Tanjung Priok

The Jakarta Police arrested 49 people for allegedly taking illegal fees in Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, according to a ...

Semarang's STIE Bank Jateng building used as COVID-19 quarantine site

The Central Java provincial government has prepared the college of economics (STIE) at Bank Jateng in Semarang city to ...

389 asymptomatic carriers quarantined at Boyolali's haj dormitory

Some 389 COVID-19 asymptomatic carriers from greater Solo and Kudus District's areas commenced their mandatory ...

COVID-19 handling aid for Kudus received from 96 medical workers

Kudus District has received 96 medical workers from other areas in Central Java Province to help address a major ...

News Focus

Govt leans on development agenda to push Papua autonomy

Indonesia’s House of Representatives (DPR) is striving to finish the renewal of the Papua Special Autonomy Law ...

Testing, tracing, treatment should be intensified in C Java's Kudus

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo stressed on the criticality of boosting testing, tracing, and ...

State must not tolerate continued acts of terror in Papua: MPR

The state must not allow armed separatists to continue to terrorise communities in Papua, People's Consultative ...

Papua police increase community services before PON national games

Papua police are continually intensifying a community-based program called "Binmas Noken" to win over the ...

Papua's security personnel tasked with safeguarding development agenda

Indonesia's army and police personnel deployed in Papua are entrusted with enforcing the law against armed ...

TNI, police top brass observe preparations for Papua's national games

High-ranking officials of the Indonesian Military (TNI) and National Police visited Sentani, Jayapura District, on ...

Fallen soldier's coffin buried in Pelauw Village

The coffin of fallen soldier, Master Private M. Alif Nur Angkotasan, who died in a machete attack by Papuan terrorists ...

Indonesia should build national maritime force: House Speaker

Speaker of Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR RI), Puan Maharani, stressed on the need for Indonesia to ...

4 TNI soldiers injured after Papua armed separatist group intercepts

Four Indonesian military (TNI) personnel suffered gunshot wounds after an armed separatist terrorist group intercepted ...

Homecoming exodus: 264 test positive for COVID-19

As many as 264 people participating in the homecoming exodus, or ‘mudik’, during Eid al-Fitr have tested ...