
Collection of inundated news, found 686 news.

Flooding in some areas in Jakarta much reduced: official

The Jakarta provincial government ensured that floods occurring at some locations in the capital city due to heavy ...

6,000 hectares of Bekasi farmland flooded: ministry

At least six thousand hectares of farms in Bekasi, West Java, based on satellite imaging, have been inundated due to ...

Floods inundate several homes in Banten's Tangerang district

Heavy rainfall over some parts of Tangerang district in Banten province on Sunday (February 26) triggered ...

Pay attention to logistics supply during disasters: BNPB

Head of National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) Suharyanto urged regional governments to act quickly in ...

Governor reviews progress in flood disaster mitigation in Bondowoso

East Java Provincial Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa visited Bondowoso District on Monday to ensure that the disaster ...

BPBD records 44 disaster-impacted locations in Padang Pariaman

The Padang Pariaman Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD), West Sumatra, reported 44 locations affected by disaster between ...

Thousands of Pidie people still taking shelter: BPBD

The Pidie Flood Mitigation Agency (BPBD) reported that thousands of people were still staying in shelters, as their ...

Over 21,000 affected by North Aceh floods: BPBD

The Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) of North Aceh district, Aceh province, has reported that 21,389 people ...

Bengkulu distributes food aid to flood-affected residents

The Bengkulu provincial government has distributed 1.6 tons of rice, 1.6 tons of sugar, and 1.6 tons of flour as food ...

South Sulawesi: 19 disaster-affected regions get BNPB aid

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has provided assistance to 19 districts and cities in South Sulawesi ...

Minister provides aid to flood-isolated hamlet in Pati

Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini on Friday afternoon boarded an inflatable boat to distribute logistical ...

BNPB distributes 500 food packages to flood victims in Demak

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has distributed 500 food packages to meet the needs of residents ...

Near normalcy restored in train service at Gambir, Senen stations

Train departures from Gambir Station and Pasar Senen Station in Central Jakarta have returned to almost normal ...

Northern Java railway travel normalizes as Semarang floods subside

Normalcy was restored in railway travel in the northern Java railway line, as floodwaters that inundated sections of ...

Be vigilant against bad weather in flood-hit Central Java: Governor

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo urged people on Saturday to stay alert to the potential of bad weather that is ...