
Collection of kemayoran news, found 516 news.

561 treated for COVID-19 at Jakarta emergency hospital

The number of coronavirus patients undergoing treatment at the Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital in Kemayoran, Central ...

This year's Jakarta Fair Kemayoran delayed owing to COVID-19

Jakarta Fair organizers, PT Jakarta International (JI) Expo Kemayoran, have decided to delay convening the annual event ...

Jokowi commends "hospital without walls" application over COVID-19

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has praised the development of the telemedicine application that he termed ...

Weekend Stories

Reporting on COVID-19: Journalists torn between caution, duty

At a time when all Indonesian citizens have been asked to stay at home to curb coronavirus transmissions, there are ...

Social assistance for economically vulnerable groups amid COVID-19

The Social Affairs Ministry has readied special social assistance for economically vulnerable groups impacted by the ...

Number of coronavirus patients at Kemayoran hospital drops to 515

The number of coronavirus patients at the Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta declined to 515 ...

News Focus

Indonesia builds hospitals, quarantine centers in handling COVID-19

Indonesia's government has expedited efforts to ready emergency hospitals and quarantine centers by constructing ...

Jakarta Emergency Hospital treats 449 COVID-19 positive inpatients

The number of inpatients testing positive for COVID-19 at the Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital located in Kemayoran, ...

Bank Mandiri offering life insurance to health workers: SOE minister

State-Owned Enterprises Minister Erick Thohir affirmed that major state-owned financial institution Bank Mandiri had ...

Palembang turns athlete dormitory into emergency hospital for COVID-19

The South Sumatra Provincial Administration has turned Jakabaring athletes dormitory into an emergency hospital with ...

Jakarta Military Commander is head of COVID-19 emergency hospital

The Indonesian Task Force for COVID-19 Response has appointed Jakarta's Military Commander (Pangdam Jaya) Major ...

Jakarta's emergency hospital declines below 15-year-old patients

The recently opened Emergency Hospital for COVID-19 in Kemayoran is not accepting patients below 15 years of age or ...

Two other Wisma Atlet towers can accommodate more COVID-19 patients

Two other towers at Wisma Atlet (athletes' residence) in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, currently serving as ...

Jakarta's emergency hospital accommodates 208 COVID-19 patients

The recently opened Emergency Hospital for COVID-19 in Kemayoran currently accommodates 208 patients as of Thursday ...

TNI intensifies security at Wisma Atlet emergency hospital

The military increased security at the Wisma Atlet emergency hospital following a surge in the number of COVID-19 ...