
Collection of kudus news, found 260 news.

National food resilience secured: agriculture minister

National food resilience remained secure, despite the floods and landslides striking several parts of the country, ...

Semarang inundated again

Parts of Semarang, Central Java Province, is again flooded, with waters at a depth of 30 cm to 80 cm, following ...

Thousands of flood evacuees in Kudus return home

Thousands of flood evacuees in Central Javas Kudus district returned home as the floodwaters began to recede.The ...

Regional govt must increase officials` capacity

Coordinating Minister for Peoples Welfare Agung Laksono asked regional governments to increase the capacity of their ...

Floods affect 1,270 families in Tangerang

A total of 1,270 families have been affected by floods that have inundated the four housing complexes in Tangerang ...

Flash floods sweep away seven houses in Kudus, C. Java

Flash floods have swept away seven houses and seriously damaged four others as the Gelis River overflowed in Kota ...

Damaged roads after floods hamper food distribution

The recent flash floods in a number of areas in Indonesia particularly in Jakarta that damaged several roads have ...

Landslides damage 19 houses and schools in Lebak

Landslides have damaged 19 houses and two school buildings in Lebak District, Banten Province, over the past one week ...

Flooding spreads to wider areas in indonesia

In the past two weeks, floods and landslides have hit parts of Indonesia, particularly Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi, and ...

Landslide kills 12 people in Kudus

A landslide has reportedly killed 12 residents from Duku Kembangan, Menawan village, Gebog sub-district, Kudus ...

30 thousands residents displaced by flood in Jakarta

At least 30,784 residents have been displaced by floods in Jakarta caused by incessant rain for the last several days, ...

Archeologists find prehistoric elephant fossils in Patiayam site

Archaeologists found fossils of tusk, legs and ribs of a prehistoric elephant at the Patiayam Site in Jekulo ...

Garlic price decreases in Central Java

The price of imported garlic decreased by Rp20,000, from Rp60,000 per kg to Rp40,000 per kg, in Kudus District, ...

35 indonesian students to participate in int`l science olympiads

At least thirty four Indonesian students, ranging from junior to senior high schools, will participate in several ...

Indonesia striving to be more child-friendly

Around 30 percent or 83 million of Indonesia`s total population of 245 million people are children who are considered ...