
Collection of lecturer news, found 400 news.

BRIN identifies seven new plant species by 2021-end

Researchers from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) have identified seven new plant species by the end ...

UNHCR calls for urgent disembarkation of Rohingya refugees in Aceh

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has pressed for the immediate, life-saving disembarkation of a group of Rohingya refugees ...

Lemongrass can help repel mosquitoes post floods: expert

Lemongrass leaves can be an alternative to mosquito repellents post floods on Lombok Island, Indriyanto S.Hut, M.P., a ...

Ministry urges ulemas to help prevent female genital mutilation

The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection has urged ulemas of Islamic boarding schools to build ...

Unibraw developing digital halal certification system for MSMEs

Brawijaya University (Unibraw)  is developing a digital halal certification system for micro, small, and medium ...

Child-friendly schools should be far from violence: scholar

Postgraduate Professor of Jakarta State University (UNJ) Prof. Eliana Sari called to reinforce the realization of ...

Kretek Museum must be promoted to appeal to foreigners: Historian

A historian has pressed for promoting Kretek Museum in Kudus, Central Java, to draw foreign tourists, as it is the only ...

COVID-19 heroes immortalized in West Java monument -

  Rohaetin's name is in the list of 291 health workers, state civil servants, and volunteers, who have been ...

News Feature

Tumpeng is unique

According to the Great Indonesia Dictionary (KBBI), tumpeng is an Indonesian cone-shaped rice dish served typically at ...

A time when criticizing police rewarded instead

In a span of a few days, La Ode Umar, 29, from Buton, Southeast Sulawesi, expressed the ideas for his mural to ...

Apply comprehensive rational method for capital relocation: researcher

The comprehensive rational methodology should be applied for relocation of the nation's capital to East Kalimantan, ...

Legal basis, data protection key to crushing illegal lender syndicates

“Need quick money? Want an easy process? Want low interest?” That is how online lending companies often ...

Brawijaya University develops IoT farming system for melon cultivation

based farming system for melon cultivation named "drip irrigation system" that is currently being implemented ...

BRGM, Unmul provide training on eco-friendly aquaculture

The National Peatland and Mangrove Restoration Agency (BRGM) and Mulawarman State University (Unmul) held a community ...

PON Papua

On a quest to em'power' Papua

Salmon Kareth, the 49-year-old manager of state electricity company PLN's Jayapura Customer Service Unit (UP3), ...