#lestari moerdijat

Collection of lestari moerdijat news, found 165 news.

MPR pushes for joint movement to help museum management transformation

Museum management transformation must become a joint movement of all parties, both stakeholders and the community, and ...

Need public support to improve state university admission process: MPR

Public support is needed for efforts to make the student selection process of state universities more fair and ...

MPR deputy speaker calls for transparency in social aid distribution

The People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Deputy Speaker Lestari Moerdijat laid emphasis on the importance of ...

Improve adaptation capability to handle global crises: MPR

Indonesia should explore various potentials and improve the adaptation capability of every citizen to handle various ...

Constitution Day serves as reminder of urgency to comply with UUD 1945

Deputy Chief of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Lestari Moerdijat said Constitution Day must serve as a ...

Scouting activities as means of boosting competitiveness of youth: MPR

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Deputy Speaker Lestari Moerdijat believes that scouting activities should be a ...

Local wisdom can help overcome climate crisis impact: MPR

Deputy chairperson of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) Lestari Moerdijat has urged the younger generation ...

Promoting healthy habits must prioritize schools, families: MPR

School and family environments must be prioritized in efforts to instill healthy lifestyle habits to improve the ...

MPR seeks stronger protections for children amid rising COVID cases

The current increase in COVID-19 cases must be responded to with high-level vigilance by strengthening the protection ...

SOE-produced COVID-19 vaccine is proof of national independence: MPR

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Deputy Chief Lestari Moerdijat stated that the SOE-produced COVID-19 vaccine ...

Expect increased budget support to protect migrant workers: BP2MI

Head of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) Benny Rhamdany has said that he expects to receive ...

Need to increase national productivity to realize economic growth: MPR

Deputy Speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Lestari Moerdijat has pushed for a continuous ...

G20 Indonesia

W20 Summit prepares communique to be delivered to President Jokowi

The W20 Summit will deliver the W20 communique document to Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) as G20 leader, ...

MPR seeks all-party support for National Literacy Movement

The National Literacy Movement needs support from all parties to accelerate the improvement of reading interest in ...

Paloh asks MPR to invite all presidential hopefuls

Chief of the National Democrat (NasDem) Party Surya Paloh has asked the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) to ...