Many studies have shown that physical activities, such as walking daily, can help improve lung health, especially amid ...
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic that has protracted in Indonesia, pneumonia remains one of the diseases that may ...
The severity of diabetes in elderly people depends on the lifestyle followed by their families, Deputy for Family ...
Climate change is a global threat that affects the entire nation, House of Representatives (DPR) Deputy Speaker Abdul ...
Early morning on October 5, 2021, five of us, including Alex Waisimon and a guide, enter a forest right behind an inn ...
Smoking, obesity, and high blood pressure can cause Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC), a type of kidney cancer, a specialist ...
Bangka Belitung Islands COVID-19 Task Force confirmed that an additional 15 patients died of COVID-19, thereby bringing ...
Bangka Belitung Islands Governor Erzaldi Rosman Djohan constantly pushes the agenda to disseminate information on ...
Internist at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Dr. Rudy Kurniawan, Sp.PD stated that it took time for ...
COVID-19 patients experiencing shortness of breath can check their respiration rate to determine their oxygen ...
The Delta variant dominates COVID-19 cases in Indonesia, contributing nearly 76 percent of the total cases. Dr. ...
For healthy people, oxygen is everywhere, free and taken for granted. But, for COVID-19 patients in Indonesia, medical ...
Lung specialist at the Semen Padang Hospital, Dr Masrul Basyar, Sp.P (K) FISR, reminded asthma sufferers to manage ...
Several nations observed Tuberculosis (TB) Day on March 24 in a somber, concerned manner, as the fight against TB, one ...
Vice President Ma'ruf Amin emphasized that the tuberculosis (TB) eradication program in Indonesia should move ...