
Collection of menteri news, found 138 news.

Health laboratory results awaited on JE virus spread in Bali

Health Minister Nila Moeloek confirmed that she still awaits the health laboratory center results on the issue of ...

Minister Yohana to oversee handling of rape cases of university students

Minister of Women`s Empowerment and Child Protection Yohana Susana Yembise assured that she would continue to oversee ...

Agriculture minister reveals obstacles in absorbing domestic corn

Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman explained that corn stocks that have been controlled by large companies are ...

Indonesia optimistic of other nations applying agricultural projects

Indonesia has expressed hope that the agricultural projects successfully implemented under collaboration with the ...

Transportation minister hails clearance of Indonesian airlines

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi hailed the European Union`s (EU`s) decision to clear all Indonesian airlines ...

Ministry to monitor students` social media

Indonesia`s Research, Technology and Higher Education Minister, Mohammad Nasir, has said the ministry will monitor ...

Central Kalimantan's largest power plant stop operating

Suling Tambun Hydro Micro Power Plant (PLTMH), the largest in Central Kalimantan, has stopped operating after damage ...

Wall Street berakhir turun di tengah kekhawatiran perdagangan global

Saham-saham di Wall Street membalikkan kenaikan awal menjadi berakhir lebih rendah pada Selasa (Rabu pagi WIB), karena ...

Minister Rini Soemarno visits Walini plantation in W Bandung

State Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno on Wednesday visited Walini plantation here, to celebrate the 20th ...

Pertemuan menteri keuangan G20 dibuka di Buenos Aires

Pertemuan pertama para menteri keuangan dan gubernur bank sentral G20 dimulai pada Senin (19/3) di Buenos Aires, ...

Ketidakpastian politik tekan Wall Street

Saham-saham di Wall Street berakhir lebih rendah pada perdagangan Senin (Selasa pagi WIB), karena para investor terus ...

Sebelas negara tanda tangani kesepakatan perdagangan Trans-Pasifik

Sebelas negara diharapkan menandatangani sebuah perjanjian perdagangan Asia-Pasifik di Santiago, Chile pada Kamis, ...

Malaysia perkenalkan insentif untuk menstimulus perdagangan saham

Perdana Menteri Malaysia Najib Razak mengumumkan beberapa tindakan pada Selasa untuk merangsang semangat pasar modal ...

AS sambut keputusan Arab Saudi tetap buka pelabuhan Yaman

Amerika Serikat pada Kamis menyambut keputusan pasukan gabungan pimpinan Arab Saudi yang akan tetap membuka pelabuhan ...

Harga minyak dunia naik tipis karena permintaan menguat

Harga minyak dunia naik tipis pada akhir perdagangan Selasa (Rabu pagi WIB), didukung menguatnya permintaan dan ...