#national insight

Collection of national insight news, found 23 news.

Radicalism, spread of hoaxes can erode national unity: VP

Issues related to radicalism and fake news amid the current developments in information technology have the potential ...

Jokowi cautions against public legal enforcement instilling fear

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) drew attention of legal enforcers to be wary that fulfilling public duties should not ...

Minister cautions against ongoing threats to national ideology

Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu has appealed to heads of regional offices of the Defense Ministry to always give ...

President appreciates LDII concern on renewable energy

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has appreciated the concern of Indonesian Islamic Da`wah (Propagation) Institute (LDII) ...

Government to root out seeds of radicalism at campuses

Amid concerns over the spread of radicalism in society and the exposure of universities to radical ideology, the ...

President meets 16 representatives of private, state universities

President Joko Widodo met 16 representatives of state and private universities across Indonesia at the Presidential ...

Vote for leaders having national insight: Official

During the regional head elections scheduled on December 9, 2015, eligible voters should elect candidates having ...

TNI to focus on civic missions in Papua

Commander of the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) Admiral Agus Suhartono said TNI will focus on the implementation of ...