#next election

Collection of next election news, found 32 news.

son of former president to run for jakarta governor

The Indonesian publics questions, especially on Jakarta have now been answered: three pairs of candidates would run ...

Former governor and convict submits document in bid for reelection

Former Governor Abdullah Puteh has submitted documents to back up his bid to regain lost position as governor of Aceh ...

Sandi Uno closest rival of ahok vying for Jakarta governorship

Sandiago Uno (Sandi Uno), a young business leader is the closest rival in popularity and electability faced by ...

Ahok reiterates running for governor`s office through non-political party avenue

Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) reaffirmed on Thursday that he would still run with the help of an ...

Golkar party savior presidium formed under Agung Laksono

Deputy General Chairman of Golkar Party Agung Laksono said the plenary meeting of the countrys second largest party ...

TNI commander says report in babinsa case false

Defense Forces Commander General Moeldoko said here on Sunday that report about a village supervisory non-commissioned ...

Presidential election not War of Badr: MUI

General Chairman of the Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI) Din Syamsuddin said it was too much to liken the upcoming ...

Finally, the popular governor to run for President

At last, the question has been answered: Jakarta governor Joko Widodo will run for president. The general ...

Nasdem chief raises concern over increasing corruption

The general chairman of National Democrat Party (NasDem), Surya Paloh, expressed concern over corruption in the ...

Nasdem approaches PDIP

The Nasional Demokrat (Nasdem) party has approached other parties to form a coalition and is now approaching the ...

The Fall of Egyptian Democracy

Yet another revolution shook Egypt. Only two years after the revolution against Mobarak, Egyptians flooded streets ...

Venezuela`s Chavez dies at 58

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez lost his battle with cancer Tuesday, silencing the leading voice of the Latin ...

Huge Myanmar crowds greet Suu Kyi in Mandalay

Myanmar`s opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi was greeted by the largest crowds of her election campaign so far as she ...

Berlusconi resigns, crowds in Rome celebrate

Silvio Berlusconi resigned on Saturday to make way for a an emergency government Italians hope will save them from ...

UN Council to keep up pressure on Ivory Coast

The UN Security Council will this week renew an arms and diamond embargo on Ivory Coast for a year to keep up pressure ...