#not main priority

Collection of not main priority news, found 161 news.

President prioritizes development of indigenous weaponry systems

The Indonesian government will prioritize the development of indigenous weaponry systems through the transfer of ...

Finance minister ready to maintain fiscal and economic resilience

Finance Minister Bambang Soemantri Brojonegoro has pledged to maintain the countrys national economic and fiscal ...

Indonesia Gears Up For Inauguration of Seventh President

The newly elected speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Zulkifli Hasan has been busy visiting the ...

Indonesia, Singapore set new milestone in bilateral ties

As immediate neighbors, Indonesia and Singapore fully realize that it is crucial to agree on border lines that ...

Option of fuel consumption control main priority: Hatta

Chief economic minister Hatta Rajasa said controlling subsidized fuel consumption was still the solution for ...

VP Boediono calls on banks to strengthen capital

Indonesia`s Vice President Boediono called on the country`s banks here on Thursday to increase their capital adequacy ...

Bali strait closed temporarily due to bad weather

Negara, Bali (News - The Bali Strait was closed by state-owned seaport operator PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry at 4.30 pm ...

Govt to speed up repatriation of Indonesian citizens from Syria

The government will speed up the repatriation of Indonesian citizens in Syria by moving them to Beirut, Lebanon, ...

First Suit Against Nobel Prize Organization Citing Defamation And Unfair Competition Practices Is Filed

- Dr. Rongxiang Xu, the founder of "human body regenerative restoration science" and a renowned life scientist and ...

Indonesian state firms also serve as "nest" of corruption

Indonesian State-owned Enterprise (SOE) Minister Dahlan Iskan said on Monday that state firms had served as a "nest" ...

Industrial centre connection lines to boost economic growth

Coordinating Economic Minister Hatta Rajasa has expressed optimism that the infrastructure project to connect the ...

Saudi Arabia maintains good relations with RI Islamic organizations

Saudi Arabia has good relations with various Islamic organizations in Indonesia including the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and ...

Govt seeking to renegotiate gas export contracts

The Indonesian government is seeking to renegotiate its gas export contracts to increase domestic supply. ...

Indonesia, Toyota`s priority in developing countries

Indonesia has been Toyota`s priority for automotive investment and business development in the developing countries in ...

Militant promises new chapter in Russia insurgency

Moscow`s most wanted Islamist militant Doku Umarov warned that Russia would be the target of a newly strengthened ...