
Collection of perlinsos news, found 7 news.

Social protection fund not exclusively for poorer residents: govt

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Cultural Affairs Muhadjir Effendy on Thursday clarified that the ...

Realization of social protection budget reaches Rp333.8 trillion

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati noted that realization of the regular social protection (perlinsos) budget had ...

BPS readies 400 thousand officers to conduct Regsosek data collection

Statistics Indonesia (BPS) trained 400 thousand officers to collect the integrated socio-economic registration ...

"Regsosek" expected to integrate central, local government programs

National Planning and Development Minister Suharso Monoarfa expects that the 2022 Socio-Economic Registration ...

Govt to rechannel social assistance budget to combat extreme poverty

The government intends to redivert the budget of the social protection program (Perlinsos) to lower extreme poverty in ...

Social protection programs have helped reduce poverty: Indrawati

Finance Minister (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati has said that social protection programs (perlinsos) implemented amid ...

Unemployment rate dropped thanks to social protection program

The social protection program (Perlinsos), in the context of national economic recovery, could reduce the open ...