
Collection of persons news, found 1.563 news.

Violence against Shiite muslims in Sampang condemned

Various parties including NGOs, politicians, ministers and the president have condemned the latest violence against ...

242 houses still submerged in water after Central Sulawesi floods

Floods are still inundating around 242 houses across several villages located in the South Parigi sub-district of the ...

Deputy Minister apologizes for tweet against lawyers

Deputy Minister of Justice and Human Rights Denny Indrayana in a press conference held on Monday, apologized to the ...

Aircraft missing in East Kalimantan

An aircraft with four passengers onboard belonging to PT Intan Angkasa went missing Friday afternoon when it was ...

Dahlan to continue his monorail project

State enterprises minister Dahlan Iskan said here on Thursday he would continue with Adhi Karya`s plan to build a ...

Indonesian minister lauds employees for full attendance at work after Idul Fitri

Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro told ministry employees on Thursday that he appreciates their strong attendance ...

Four missing in flash floods in Aceh

Two people were found dead and four others were missing after flash foods hit the sub-district of Leuser, Southeast ...

Over 50,000 prisoners` sentences reduced on RI's Independence Day

Prison sentences of more than 50,000 inmates lodged throughout Indonesia were reduced on the country`s Independence ...

Some 14 holiday travelers killed in traffic accidents in N Sumatra

At least 14 persons, homebound for the Lebaran festival, have been killed in 64 traffic accidents that have taken ...

PAN party to set up 50 traffic regulation posts for Idul Fitri travelers

To facilitate a smooth passage for home-bound Idul Fitri travelers, the National Mandate Party (PAN) plans to set up ...

Thousands of people visit Indonesian pavilion at Floriade 2012

Attracting thousands of visitors everyday, Indonesia`s pavilion with various cultural exhibits appears at Floriade ...

Former Aceh governor beaten up

Former Aceh governor Irwandi Yusuf was beaten up by a group of people after attending the inauguration ceremony of the ...

Ashraf elected as new prime minister of Pakistan

Pakistan`s National Assembly, lower house of parliament, on Friday elected with a clear majority, Raja Pervez Ashraf, ...

ASEAN--US hold joint cooperation meeting in Jakarta

The Fourth ASEAN--U.S. Joint Cooperation Committee (JCC) Meeting was held at the ASEAN Secretariat, here, Wednesday. ...

Registration of Tor-Tor dance cause for concern

The registration of Tor-Tor dance and Paluan Gandang Sambilan music as cultural heritage in Malaysia must be a cause ...