
Collection of pertamax news, found 188 news.

Idea to stop Premium sale in Jakarta needs discussions

The idea of Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) to stop the sale of Premium gasoline in Jakarta has ...

TPPI to reduce gasoline imports: President

The Trans Pacific Petroleum Indonesia (TPPI) refinery will be able to reduce gasoline imports by up to 36 percent, ...

Fuel price cuts expected to benefit manufacturing sector

The Indonesian government has included new fuel oil prices in the third phase of the economic policy package to ...

Govt sets new fuel prices in economic policy package

The Indonesian government has included new fuel oil prices in the third phase of the economic policy package, expected ...

Pertamina to gradually phase out RON 88 gasoline use

Indonesias state-owned oil company PT Pertamina will start reducing the use of RON 88 gasoline in stages from 2018 ...

Consumers welcome Pertamina`s new pertalite fuel

State-owned oil company Pertamina has since last Friday launched a sale test of its new fuel type Pertalite, a ...

Pertamina to set up special task force for Ramadhan

State oil and gas firm PT Pertamina will set up a special taskforce to ensure fuel oil and liquefied petroleum gas ...

Indonesia government still needs to popularize new pertalite fuel

The government still needs to popularize its new Pertalite gasoline before launching it in the market as a national ...

Pertamina to start work on blue sky gasoline project in October

State owned energy company PT Pertamina will break the ground to mark the start of work for its Cilacap blue sky ...

Indonesian drone ready for military operations

Drones, which are unmanned aerial vehicles, manufactured by the Indonesia Maritime Institute are ready to be operated ...

RFCC refinery phase I to be completed in June: Indonesian Minister

Indonesian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Sudirman Said stated that the construction of the "Residual ...

Pertamina`s sales of diesel oil down 14.5 percent

PT Pertamina recorded sales of diesel oil at 3.29 million kiloliters in the first quarter of this year or down 14.5 ...

Questions on fuel prices should be posed to minister: President Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said any questions about an increase in the prices of premium gasoline should be posed ...

Indonesian government sets basic fuel prices including that of Pertamax

Effective January 1, 2015, the basic prices of all fuel oils (BBM) will be determined by the government, including ...

Pertamax consumption up by 137 percent after fuel price hikes

Consumption of non-subsidized gasoline pertamax has increased by some 137 percent since the subsidized fuel price ...