
Collection of pertamax news, found 180 news.

Govt calculating premium gasoline price increase

The Indonesian government is now calculating a price increase for subsidized premium gasoline in line with a proposal ...

RI govt keeps open option for hiking fuel prices

Although it has plans to begin limiting subsidized fuel oil consumption next April, the government will continue to ...

No need for studies before raising gasoline price: Observer

The Indonesian government does not need to conduct further studies prior to raising the retail price of premium brand ...

Govt preparing soft loans for gasoline stations to sell pertamax

The government will prepare Rp500 billion in soft loans for 295 gasoline stations to sell non-subsidized pertamax ...

House asks govt to reassess fuel consumption limitation plan

House of Representatives (DPR)`s Commission VII on energy affairs called on the government to reassess and redraft its ...

Pertamina to produce 19,99 million kl pertamax

State oil company PT Pertamina planned to raise its pertamax gasoline production in stages to 19.99 million ...

Pertamina to import more pertamax gasoline

PT Pertamina plans to import more pertamax gasoline following the government`s plan to restrict the use of subsidized ...

RI govt looks set to cut subsidized fuel consumption despite protests

The government looks set to limit the use of subsidized fuel oils and implement an oil-to-gas conversion program ...

Hundreds in Medan protest subsidized fuel use cutting plan

Hundreds of members of Muslim organization Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) staged a rally at Majestic traffic circle ...

news focus: Govt fuel consumption cut to boost motorcyclists` number

The government`s plan to limit the use of subsidized fuel oils beginning April 1, 2012 will raise motorcycle sales at ...

Pertamina asks govt to protect its Pertamax product

PT Pertamina has asked the government to issue a policy to protect its non-subsidized pertamax gasoline product ...

MP: subsidized fuel limitation benefits foreign firms

A lawmaker has feared the government`s policy to limit the use of subsidized fuel oils as of April 1 will only benefit ...

Muhammadiyah to seek judicial review of vital economic laws

Muhammadiyah, the second largest Muslim mass organization in the country, is to ask the Constitutional Court to ...

BI keeps key rate at 6 pct

Bank Indonesia (the central bank/BI) at its meeting of board of governors on Thursday decided to maintain its key ...

Govt too reactive to world crude price hikes : Legislator

The government has been too reactive to world crude price hikes while it is unable to properly take into account the ...