#police headquarters

Collection of police headquarters news, found 1.111 news.

6,394 personnel to secure May Day rally sites in Jakarta

A total of 6,394 military and police personnel will be deployed to secure the commemoration of International Labor Day, ...

Nine armed Papuan separatist terrorists killed in gunfight: police

Papua Office Maj. Gen. I Gusti Putu Danny Karya Nugraha in Dambet Village, Beoga Sub-district. Related news: Five dead ...

One held for illegal weapons trade in Malang, East Java

Indonesian Police’s anti-terror squad, Densus 88, has arrested one man suspected of selling illegally-made ...

Jakarta police arrest trafficker, seize 250 grams of drugs

Jakarta Metropolitan Police have arrested a man suspected of trafficking 250 grams of crystal methamphetamine in ...

Makassar's slain terror suspect was formerly convicted as terrorist:

A terror suspect, MT, 49, shot dead by the Indonesian Police's anti-terror squad, Densus 88, was a former terror ...

North Sumatra ranks first among Indonesian provinces for drug abuse

North Sumatra is ranked first among Indonesia's 34 provinces in terms of narcotic abuse, according to Provincial ...

Densus 88 apprehends six terror suspects in Makassar

The Indonesian Police’s anti-terror squad Densus 88, on Tuesday, arrested six terror suspects allegedly linked to ...

Aceh police arrest nine in crackdown on inter-provincial drug ring

Personnel of the Aceh police continue their crackdown on an inter-provincial drug ring in the province, as they ...

Lawmaker cites three models of crimes as majorly threatening Indonesia

Drugs, cybercrimes, and terrorism are the three models of crimes that threaten and erode the Unitary Republic of ...

TNI steps up security around vital national assets

The Indonesian Military (TNI) has stepped up security in public places and around vital national assets, including ...

Terror attack at Police HQ is harsh blow: Muhammadiyah

The Muhammadiyah Central Leadership views the terror attack at the Indonesian National Police Headquarters (Mabes ...

Police yet to find link between East Java, Makassar JAD networks

No link has been found as yet between the suspected terrorists from the Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) group arrested in ...

Two terror suspects detained in Tulungagung, Nganjuk

The National Police's Special Detachment (Densus) 88 anti-terror squad arrested two suspected terrorists in ...

Densus 88 arrests four terror suspects in Bima

The Indonesian Police's anti-terror squad Densus 88 apprehended four suspected terrorists in Bima, West Nusa ...

14 injured in suicide bomb attack outside Makassar church

Fourteen people were injured due to a suicide bomb attack outside Cathedral Church in Makassar, South Sulawesi on ...