#police headquarters

Collection of police headquarters news, found 1.103 news.

Indonesia expected to improve achievement in SEA Games

Prior to the South East Asian Games (SEA Games) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, which will be held from August 19 to 30, ...

Chinese, Taiwanese criminals transferred to police headquarters in Jakarta

Bali's Police transferred 17 Chinese and 10 Taiwanese allegedly involved in cybercrimes to the National Police ...

Police plan to set up anti-corruption special unit

The Indonesian police plan to set up an anti-corruption unit so that a number of corruption cases could be handled ...

What would be the impact of Setya shock on pansus?

Finally, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) announced what it earlier said that a new suspect would be named ...

More support coming to back up KPK facing parliament pansus

The association of the alumnus of the University of Indonesia (Iluni UI) and the executive board of students of the ...

Cyber provocation polri`s biggest challenge: Kalla

Vice President Jusuf Kalla stated that cyber provocation, through social media, is one of the biggest challenges that ...

Inquiry Right Pansus to visit police and prosecution offices

The Parliaments Special Committee (Pansus) for Inquiry Right on the Duty Execution and Authority of the Corruption ...

Alleged terrorist arrested in Sukabumi, W Java

The Special Detachment 88, Indonesias Anti-Terror Squad, has arrested an individual, with the initials AAB, suspected ...

Police arrest man who puts ISIS flag at police station

Police have arrested a man suspected to be the one who has put up an ISIS flag at a police precinct in South Jakarta ...

Police to improve alertness following terror threats

The Jakarta Police have called on its personnel to improve alertness following a series of terror attacks that ...

Police chief claims Food Task Force`s success in stabilizing price

Indonesian Police Chief General Tito Karnavian has claimed the success of the Food Task Force to maintain the price ...

Police never get feared of terror attacks: Maluku police chief

Maluku Police Chief Inspector General Deden Juhara said here Saturday a series of terror attacks on police officers in ...

Man stabs two policemen after isha prayer

A man attacked two police Mobile Brigade members after the end of Isha prayer at Falatehan Mosque in Trunojoyo, South ...

Four named suspects in Medan police station attack

Four people have been named suspects in connection with the recent attack at the North Sumatra regional police ...

Indonesian govt expresses support to police over attack in Medan

The Indonesian government expressed support to the police here on Sunday following an attack on their regional police ...