#police headquarters

Collection of police headquarters news, found 1.111 news.

Keep moving to combat terorrism

Indonesia is combating terrorism consistently and simultaneously, both domestically and internationally, to create ...

Habib Rizieq responds to police summon

The leader of Islam Defenders Front (FPI), Habib Rizieq Shihab, responded to police summon to be a witness in ...

Police suspend detainment of stamped red-and-white flag carrier

Jakarta Metropolitan Police Command investigators have suspended the detainment of 28 year-old Nurul Fahmi, who was ...

Islamic figure questioned over communist party picture claim

The Indonesian police has questioned Islamic figure Habib Rizieq Shihab over his claim that the new rupiah banknotes ...

Indonesia to send team to Darfur over arms smuggling reports

The Indonesian police will send a team to Darfur, Sudan, to investigate the arms smuggling case allegedly involving ...

Public urged not to hold demonstrations often

Indonesian Chief Minister of Security, Political and Legal affairs Wiranto called upon the public here on Monday not ...

Government stops suspected trafficking of 12 suspected Indonesian workers

The Indonesian government successfully prevented the trafficking of 12 Indonesians who were to be employed illegally ...

General Karnavian installs six provincial police chiefs

Indonesian Police Chief General Tito Karnavian installed six provincial police chiefs at the Police Headquarters, ...

Military commander calls on people to promote tolerance

Indonesian Military Commander Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo has called on people to maintain harmony and promote tolerance. ...

Four suspected terrorists taken to Jakarta for questioning

Four suspected terrorists, arrested in different parts of Indonesia, were taken to Jakarta on Wednesday for further ...

President Jokowi praises police`s swift action over bomb threats

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) praised the swift action of the antiterror special detachment (Densus) 88 and other ...

Police arrest terror suspect in Payakumbuh, W. Sumatra

The Indonesia National Police counterterrorism special detachment (Densus) 88 arrested a terror suspect on Wednesday ...

Police arrest 14 members of MNS` suspected terrorist network

In the past few days, Indonesias police anti-terrorist squad Densus 88 has arrested 14 suspected terrorists linked to ...

Bodies of police airplane crash victims returned to families

Bodies of passengers who were killed in the M-28 Skytruck police airplane crash on December 3 were sent to Jakarta to ...

Anti-terror squad arrests couple linked to Jakarta bomb plot

The Indonesian Polices anti-terror squad arrested a suspected terrorist couple, known by their initials as TS alias UA ...